


2 years, 9 months ago


24 moons
Trans Male


Clever • Cultured • Independent • Proud • Dominating • Intense • Crude • Devious • Selfish

Tayrashade is very unique due to his strange upbringing. The tom has acquired traits usually associated with weasels and ferrets, mainly his sense of independence and intense personality. He is not completely cued into social aspects of cats lives, but he does his best to be a good weasel as he was raised. Tayrashade tends to make intense eye contact when speaking with someone and tends to try and dominate conversations or at least will not accept being talked down to. He was taught that a respected weasel is proud and unshakeable. He does not allow others to disrespect him because of this and does not hesitate to put others in their place.

Like other mustelids Tayrashade is clever in solving problems posed to him. The main goal of any issue is to assess how to make the situation benefit him, which some consider to be selfish, but he doesn't agree. Only foolish animals give up an opportunity that could benefit themselves. Tayrashade is not opposed to taking devious routes to get his desired outcome, even if it means pushing others out of the way. Most probably feel fairly polarized about the strange tom because of all these self-preserving traits and his unusual upbringing.

Similar to daylight warriors, Tayrashade is well cultured because of his wealth of life experiences within the professor's home. Ferrets are much more crude and straight-forward than cats and this tends to show its face when Tayrashade speaks with others about crass topics. He doesn't understand that some things are not appropriate to bring up, such as other cats' blunders, straight to their face unabashedly.


  • hunting
  • fighting
  • climbing
  • swimming


  • meek cats
  • kits
  • lazy cats
  • dogs
"Struck me like a chord. I'm an ugly boy. Holdin' out the night..."


Tayrashade had a very non-traditional upbringing. The small kit was adopted by an elderly professor of biology who owned two pet ferrets, Wallace and Darwin. The professor obviously was very passionate about science since he named his ferrets after the figureheads of evolutionary biology. Upon receiving Tayrashade the professor named him Carson, after the famous marine biologist Rachel Carson, but Tayra never really cared what he was called. Wallace and Darwin called him Stoat for the first few moons that he was living there, because they said he looked like a little stoat and was kind of like their child.

Carson's life was simple in the professor's home, mainly consisting of listening to the ferrets bicker and lounging around. Wallace and Darwin liked to tell Carson all about different animals that the professor had watched documentaries about. He even put on documentaries about Mustelids, weasels and relatives, for the three to watch while he was away. From this and the ferret pairs' stories Carson learned about the Tayra, a huge mustelid that hunted in the trees. It was agile, mysterious, and fierce. Carson was immediately enamored and to his delight Wallace and Darwin decided it was a much better fitting name than Carson or Stoat. From that day on he was now Tayra. This got to the tom's head and created quite the ego, which he used to exact his dominance over his ferret parents. He learned everything from them, play and hunting strategy, behavioral cues, body language, which made him unlike most cats.

The trio's idyllic life was abruptly uprooted by the death of the professor, who had tripped in the home and shattered his hip. Upon his death Wallace and Darwin were rehomed, torn from Tayra permanently. Not used to any Twolegs besides the professor Tayra lashed out at the would-be rescuers. His grief clouded his thoughts and Tayra fled out the front door, determined to get away from all the memories, all the pain. His time alone and on the streets was not long, possibly a moon or two, before he ran into a pair of daylight warriors. They told him of the forest dwelling cats that accept strangers and that all he had to do was follow the gorge down to Whitestar's den.

Sick of the cold and unforgiving streets of the Twoleg dwellings Tayra fled to Skyclan in hopes of a reprieve from his grief, anything to distract him. That was all he viewed it as at first, a distraction from the pain, a blip in the timeline of his life. Moons passed and Tayra found himself to like living amongst the forest cats, despite their cultural and behavioral differences. He even took on a suffix as a symbol of his committment to Skyclan. Now Tayrashade, the tom lives a quiet life and enjoys the benefits of living in a community.


• "Tayrashade is a deep umber tom with a cream underbelly and accents. His paws are large and flat along with a tail that lays on his back."

• light brown eyes

• short pointed ears

• large canine teeth

• has an extra toe on each foot


• When excited he arches his back, and if he is really happy he will hop

• He hates smelling clean or like other cats so he rubs in musky smelling substances

• Tayrashade sleeps in very strange positions, but if tight on space he will curl into a ball

• He has no personal space

• If a kit comes near him he will immediately relocate




"Wallace was a hoot. He was always the more relaxed of the two, but also more willing to have a wrestle than Darwin. I miss him..."



"Darwin was a bit dry, but I loved hearing his stories. He was the one that first said I should be renamed Tayra, which I will forever be grateful for. I miss him...dammit."



"Why'd you have to go and croak? I thought Twolegs were supposed to live for generations, long beyond our lifespans. If you wouldn't have died then Darwin and Wallace wouldn't have gotten rehomed...damn you."



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