


8 years, 11 months ago

Basic Info








Almost the height of a double decker bus, and much longer than one head-to-tail, Orthorn is a terrifying foe to go up against. This creature has no motives besides eating and defending his territory- to him, everything is either food or a threat... which then becomes food.
While he may seem slightly dumb and animalistic, he does have some sliver of intelligence. For example; he knows the best places to hide and wait for prey, and he can understand general body language- but for the most part his mind is just ‘kill, eat, and repeat’.
Despite the simple mindedness, Orthorn does appear to be a very curious creature. If he finds something he cannot eat or fight, he will do his best to try and figure out what said thing is. Because of this curiosity he has slowly amassed a collection of random trinkets in the heart of his territory, which he keeps hidden in his large, primary sleeping tunnel, and will get very agitated if he finds anyone trying to steal his things.

Orthorn is an absolutely massive creature who has lived in his desert territory for as long as the native humans have known- though they do not dare investigate him, or tread in his territory.
He possess a large, gazing pupil at the front of his face. This is the only working eye he has. His mouth is full of razor sharp canines that lack lips.
Despite being a gigantic, cyclops, scorpion monster, the first thing you may notice about Orthorn is the reptilian second head protruding from the back of his neck. This is his ‘bait head’. He uses this to lure in animals that may consider eating a lizard for lunch. He does this by burying himself in the sand, so only the second head is visible. When something touches the head he will launch himself out of the sand and stab the creature with his tail, which injects a paralysing liquid, and then gobble it up whole.
It should be noted that the mouth, eyes and nose on the reptilian head have no function. It could best be described as a harmless, dead tumour. He also has a large front pair of legs similar to that of a lizard, which he uses to help propel himself out of the sand.
When defending his territory he will primarily use his pincers, so to save the liquid in his tail. These pincers have a killer grip, and could snap a car in half if given the chance.