

"They're scared of me? Good. It's easier that way."

Name: Somnia

Species: Wolf

Gender: Male

Age: 33

Height: 6' 6''

The public thinks this wolf a villain, but he's not a villain just an asshole. He finds it easier for people to hate and fear him because it is what he's more used to.  

Somnia always caused problems. Crass and loud, doing whatever he wanted. He always considered life to short to care what others thought. Besides, everyone always judged him for his abnormal fur color, his red eyes, saying he was some kind of creature, not normal, a monster. Something cursed and evil. In reality, it was just an unlucky combination of bright fur that ran in his mother's family and his fathers bright red eyes. Not that anyone would stay around long enough to hear that explanation. 

So why try to make people like him? It was just much easier to play along. Play up the brute, play up the monster. Use that to his advantage to get what he wanted.

But one day he made the wrong enemy. The roughed up the son of an official, a street fight. The kid had looked at him funny, insulted and he wasn't about to have that. But how we to know the connections the kid had, that they would come after him. So he ran, ran from those who began to chase him, those who now had a bounty on his head. And for what? Insulting some brat. 

Eventually he was surrounded in an old abandoned shack. At the end of his rope, no where to go. 

And then she appeared before him. A shadow with a smile who held her hand to him. Asking if he would like to make a deal. He was tired of running, from those chasing him, from what he was.  As he took her hand, she asked what he wanted and he said this to her.  "I want but one thing. Make me a NIGHTMARE.".  In that moment, those around the cabin felt the fear creep apon them, and Somnia he felt strong, like he could do anything. The more they feared him, the more he felt this power. Finally, he'd show them. They always did fear him, talked behind his back, now he would finally give them a reason.

A reason to truly fear him. 

Rumors spread after that, about a neon colored monster, one who's eyes glowed the color of blood. One who fed on fear, who left behind nothing but scratch marks where there had been an entire group of bounty hunters. 

After the deal was struck, from that day Somnia worked for Syra, the one-eyed demon. A new calling, somewhere he could be himself, his talents for intimidation appreciated, not ridiculed. Somewhere he will stay till he no longer breaths, because the day he finally lived was the day he took her hand that fateful day.


  • Simple food, nothing over spiced or overcooked.
  • Jewelry, the shinier the better. Also, the moon because it's silver and shiny. 
  • Being the center of attention, even if it's negative. 


  • Sunrise, way too bright.
  • Having to explain things, doing something is just easier.
  • Self righteous people
  • Shirts 


Strength of Body: 5/5Empathy: 2/5Intelligence: 2/5
Strength of Mind: 1/5Passion: 5/5Charisma: 3/5 

Abilities :

  • Fear Embodiment: When the pact of [Nightmare] is active allows his presence to cause fear in those around him passively. 

  • Strength from weakness: Gains strength from the fear of others around him.

  • Even outside of all that, fairly physically strong in his own right. 

  • Weapon of Choice:  Claws


  • Extremely thankful Syra gave him a chance to be the "real him" with his pact of Nightmare.
  • Glad someone else besides him is ruthless, and more than happy to work with someone like that.
  • More than happy to things for her the others won't
  • Loyal to almost a fault? Will often excuse cruel things she does as "necessary" even if there isn't an obvious reason. If it's her, no reason to doubt in his eyes.
"She freed me. Let me be the wolf, the MONSTER I was supposed to be. That day I was finally the real me, and this monster will always be loyal to the shadows.
  • HATES the "goody two shoes" act he has, they aren't "heroes" and shouldn't act the part.
  • Has seen the strength his emotions produce in his magic and thinks it's an ABSOLUTE WASTE that he seeks to control and dampen it.
  • Constantly butt heads over conflicting ideals, a constant annoyance for Somnia.
"Ugh Syra's little KNIGHT IN SHINING ARMOR, BLEH. He's great in a fight but I really don't need a lecture right now. He's strong though, if he'd just let himself be a monster. You know, Like ME"
  • A little bit protective of, but not overly so. 
  • The first person to talk to him like a person, not a monster. 
  • Have bonded with her over the bad treatment society has given both of them due to their appearance and HAS started fights with people who have made fun of her. 
  • Treats her like a younger sister, family that he must protect. 
"Me and Deidre. Us freaks gotta stick together. I know she'd hate to hear me talk about it that way, but truth is neither us will ever be normal. So we gotta look out for each other since no one else will."
  • Find her dangerous but admittedly attractive. 
  • Has encountered her a bit more than he's like, but does in fact like the attention. 
  • Finds that she calls him "dangerous" a complement and honestly believe she probably means it that way.
  • Knows anything between them isn't "healthy" but doesn't think he could find a "healthy" connection with someone anyway.
"That vulture bounty hunter ? Yea that's a dangerous one. What do I think of her? Can't say she isn't attractive, and yea we've gotten tangled up a few times if that's what you're askin'. I wonder what I'd have to do to get them to sick her on me again. "

  • Don't really get along.  Often seen bickering.
  • Doesn't like her "better than everyone" attitude. 
  • Very glad she's not one of the ones that doesn't stay in Syra's flat,  and will leave immediately if she's visiting. 
  • Even with all that though he will work with her if need be, being a contract still means she is a sort of family.
"If Levana would get off of that high horse she was born on maybe I'd get along with that harpie of a woman. No, you know what I don't even think then, it'd be a cold day in hell for damn sure. That said, her and Syra are practically family so I will DEAL with her. IF I MUST."
  • Actually get along some how? Like a coworker mostly, but still a surprise at how civil it is.
  • Don't often agree, but no bad blood between them. 
  • Will often actually NOT call him when something is going down. A mixture of Somnia knowing Dallan isn't really one for fighting but also honestly not waiting to put him in danger? 
  • As Somnia has put it " You're one of the few of us that has a DAMN thing to go back to, I'm not going to be responsible something as damn sad as that would be."
"Dallan?  Hell I don't know why he's still with us. Has his own house, a loving wife AND kid. He should just retire or whatever, I'm sure Syra would let him." ... "Look I just don't wanna be the one to have to tell that precious wife of his if something happens to him, alright?"
  • Dosen't know he's human at first, is convinced he's some weird chimera
  • Actively insults him for being part of the church.
  • Insulted that he "hides" himself behind a mask. "We should all embrace what we are, even if what that is is ugly."

    "And people call ME a monster. Idk what that guy is but he's a mess and a coward."

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