


"Tsk, you are so adorable darling~"

Adventure Rank 60

Adventure Exp 340125/1880200

World Level 8

  • FULL NAME: Fen Dietrich

  • AGE: 30

  • D.O.B: 7th July

  • PRONOUNS: she/her/hers

  • REGION: Inazuma(currently) /Mondstadt (previously)

  • CONSTELLATION:Via inspectus (roughly translates to road unseen/unseen road)

  • VISION: Electro

  • WEAPON: Polearm


  • STATUS: taken/open relationship


Fen is an interesting creature. a human, with the ambissions of a god, an immortal, yet she does not seek to become one. Even if that ended up becoming her fate, it would not rock he ambitions nor her personality. She dresses as she is proud of her nation, even after fleeing, and she is one of the mos bold people you will come across. She is, to put it simply, an enigma, yet not mysterious in any way. All her traist seem to contradict each other.


Fen is the biggest goddamn flirt you've ever met. She's the biggest tease in existence,has absolutely no shame, and seems to absoltely adore making others flustered and red. The ammount of innapropriate comments she has stored away for use is both impressive and incomprehensible, and she always has an innapropriate comeback for any situation. She will sleep with any women she can manage to get into bed with, and is likely to have an opne/poly relationship with many people as she just cant only love one person.

childhood & Teenagehood

Fen's family lives in the outskirts of Inazuma city. she grew up with two parents, and as an only child. Fen has a pretty norml childhood. she helped her farther work the feilds in which he owned, farming things like naku weed, and collecting sakura petals. As she got older, she started traveling the other islands with her farther, and then by herself to collect others they could not grow, such as dendrobiums, amakumo fruit, and maping out the best locations to find crystal marrow to help the merchants back on narukumi island. She quiet enjoyed these adventures, esecially when she was old enough to go on her own, as it meant she could explore as much as she wanted.

Fen recieved an electro vision at the age of 13. it was here that Fen was starting to become more ambtious, and more rebelious. She refused to let anything stand in her way of traveling and meeting new people, and wanted to start exploring her home island by herself. unfortunatly, with no way to defend herself her parents didnt allow it. her ambition to see her region at its fullest by herself, and be as strong as possible to do so led her to recieving anvision from her very own god. After receiving this, she was taken by her mother and father to meet Amenoma Tougo, the owner of the Blacksmiths, and his disciple, hajime. here, she tried many different weapons under the guidance of tougo, and she picked up a nondescript polearm. This is how she fou d her best weapon style. As a gift, her mother and father comissioned Hajime to make a polearm for her. from hen on, all her polearms, not taking into account ones she recieved while traveling, were made by him. After training, and learning howmto use her vision, she was allowed to explore Narukumi islnd by herself, and when she turned 15, she was allowed to start exploring and traveling to the other islands in the region.


Fen is currently 28 years old, meeting the timeline in which the traveler defeats the raiden Shogun and convinces the real Goddess of Inazuma, Ei, to revoke the vision hunt decree and to resume her own rule of Inazuma. fen herself spent her older years continuing to travel the islands of Inazuma, Watatsumi island in particular catching her interest. She travels, meets many people. In particular, she meets the Kamisato Clan, and meets Sangonomiya kokomi on her regular visits to watatsumi and the shrine, learning more about its history.

fen is reckless, to say the least. She's impulsive, and often got into trouble even in her early twenties. At the time right before the vision hunt decree was established, she did something really really dumb. She though it'd be a good idea to ahow off, as she often did (she wanted to prove she was actually stealthy), and decided to steal something from the Shogun. She did this, she stole a small fan from the quarters of the shogun, after she had beeninvited to the Tenshukaku as she had caught the eye of the Shogunate for her skills. She runs off and hides, and soon after the vision hunt decree is enacted. She flees with Beidou and her cew's help, as she was definetly high up on the wanted list.

She first reached liyue. She started with travels of the harbour, and took a very quick interest in the Tianquan, Ningguang, and the relationship she had with the captian of the Crux fleet Beidou. Well, she likes to err, mingle. She's not good at keeping her nose out of buisness that isnt hers. to say she wormes her way into the two's relationship is an understatment. She is an actually convincing buisness woman, and after fleeing Inazuma (she eventually tells them what else she did, in which Beidou high fives her and Ningguang just facepalms) they agree to let her help with some matters. its mostly scout work, as her previous travels of Inazuma islands with varying enviroments left her with excellent survival and scouting skills.

After doing some work (and erm, other activities she continues her journey to Mondstat. To say shes extravegant enough to catch the peoples attention would be an overgeneralization. She is always rather dramatic when she wants to put on a show. She shows up easily the first time by landing in front of the statue of the seven from a wind glider. meeting with the Acting Granmaster because thats illegal, meets the lovely librarian as well as Amber (who finds this whole thing amusing cuase normally shes the one in trouble for the exact same thing). With a latter from ningguang confirming her story she is again allowed to stay. Again, shes staying, and so she decides to mess around. mess around again with the lovely women of Mond (Lisa makes it easy. her constant flirting is encouraged by Fen reciprocating, and poor Jean gets stuck in the middle). She spends the rest of the tear waiting, and when the news of the defeat of the shogun by the traveler lumine reaches Mond, Fen is impressed, although a little sad. her time in Mondstat has come to an end, even if only temporarily. With a goodbye to the Grandmaster and librarian, and hugs from Amber and a high five from Kaeya, she sets off back to Liyue, where she sets off with Beidou once again to inazuma, back home.

From here on, I have made her story well, flexible. She is a rather self indulgent character, for me to ship with all the hot women in the game cause i a hoe lesbian. from here, there are multiple roots. i like to think she messes with Sara, and hides away ay the Narukumi shrine, as to not be captured. she eventually surenders, blah blah blah, no jail time. take it from here as you like, as she has nothing set in stone from this point forward.


  • Teasing people
  • women
  • traveling
  • meeting new people
  • Lightning storms


  • Being stuck inside
  • Being treated like a child
  • Hot, humid weather
  • long nails (lmao not just for that kind of thing, for battle as well!)
  • sunburn. fuck sunburn


  • Shes somewhat decent at woodwork
  • foraging for food (she genuinly just enjoys the process of finding it as well as eating it)
  • learning new weapons (no more catalyst practise again, miko and lisa banned her, and ningguang has no hope for her left)
  • watching the ocean, and the stars as they meet the ocean at night
  • roof hoping (she almost died once and Sara wont let her live it down)


  • Fen is a lesbian, like, if you hadnt figured that out by now XD
  • Gets along well with Thoma, teases Ayaka about Lumine and Yoimiya with him
  • Seems to particularly enjoy getting on Kujou Sara's nerves now the war is over, loves teasing her and making her blush
  • Can sing really fucking well??? also, can play guitar
  • Developed a habit of stealing. she always returns what she steals and often doesn't realise what she's done until after. she's working on this she promises! and never steals on purpose.
  • Often found singing on rooftops or balconies with her guitar, probably a love song. someone always finds her and she makes them eithe listen until she finishes or joins in


Friend/past lover

Fen and Mera met when Mera first travelled to Inazuma, far beofre the Vision hunt. Fen was 20, Mera 18, when they met. They hit it off well, Mera balancing out Fen's immature nature. the two got to know each other well, Mera spending her time in the nation to learn about the different spiritual practices and ways it may contribute to her inventions. They were almost married, at one point, but young love just wasnt for them, and they wanted different things. Although, in true lesbian fashion, they remain friends, with Fen occasionally imposing herself on Mera and ner traveling group when she sees it fit.




Curabitur ultrices sapien velit, sit amet bibendum lacus facilisis vitae. Praesent facilisis sem vel maximus bibendum. Vestibulum eros lorem, pretium a enim ac, pulvinar commodo ipsum. Vestibulum dictum tortor ac commodo commodo. Nam id leo at risus aliquam accumsan. Quisque mollis vulputate nisi, a consectetur augue dapibus in. Nulla commodo sagittis turpis eget aliquam. Ut auctor interdum nisi, nec ultricies orci lobortis ac.




Curabitur ultrices sapien velit, sit amet bibendum lacus facilisis vitae. Praesent facilisis sem vel maximus bibendum. Vestibulum eros lorem, pretium a enim ac, pulvinar commodo ipsum. Vestibulum dictum tortor ac commodo commodo. Nam id leo at risus aliquam accumsan. Quisque mollis vulputate nisi, a consectetur augue dapibus in. Nulla commodo sagittis turpis eget aliquam. Ut auctor interdum nisi, nec ultricies orci lobortis ac.

Voice Lines


Chat; The Vision Hunt decree-

Chat; Fen's travels-

When it rains; during-

After the rains; when the sun is out-

When lightning strikes- "I have a great respect for the lightning, and storms in general. I have never been ok with the Vision Hunt decree, but the Shogun wont have been the first archon to make a mistake. She has shown regret for what she has done, and so I will always worship her. When lightning strikes? I belive she is watching over me"

When it snows- "We do get snow back home, but not often! Come on, lets go outside!"

When the wind blows- "Well, Mondstat certantly lives up to its title of the city as winds!"

Good morning- "Its so early.... five more minutes? then it will be a good morning."

Good afternoon- "Good afternoon traveler! what? yes, of course Im awake! how dare you! come duel me to make up for that comment! haha, c'mon!"

Good evening-

Good night-

Abous us; -

About us; -

About us; -

About (character); -

About (character); -

About (character); -

About (character); -

About (character); -

About (character); -

About (character); -

About (character); -

About (character); -

About (character); -

About (character); -

About the Visions-

Something to share-

Interesting things-

More about Fen; i-

More about Fen: ii-

More about Fen: iii-

More about Fen: iv-

More about Fen: v-

Fen's hobbies-

Fen's troubles-

Favourite food-

Least favourite food-


Feelings about ascension; intro-

Feelings about ascension; building up-

Feelings about ascension; climax

Feelings about ascension; conclusion-

Elemental skill: i-

Elemental skill: ii-

Elemental skill: iii-

Elemental burst: i-

Elemental burst: ii-

Elemental burst: iii-

Low hp: i-

Low hp: ii-

Low hp: iii-

Light hit taken-

Heavy hit taken: i-

Heavy hit taken: ii-

Fallen: i-

Fallen: ii-

Fallen: iii-

Joining party: i-

Joining party: ii-

Joining party: iii-

Opening chest: i-

Opening chest: ii-

Opening chest: iii-

Sprint start-

Sprint end-

Deploying wind glider-

Closing wind glider- "

Idle: i-

Idle: ii-



Curabitur ultrices sapien velit, sit amet bibendum lacus facilisis vitae. Praesent facilisis sem vel maximus bibendum. Vestibulum eros lorem, pretium a enim ac, pulvinar commodo ipsum. Vestibulum dictum tortor ac commodo commodo. Nam id leo at risus aliquam accumsan. Quisque mollis vulputate nisi, a consectetur augue dapibus in. Nulla commodo sagittis turpis eget aliquam. Ut auctor interdum nisi, nec ultricies orci lobortis ac.



Curabitur ultrices sapien velit, sit amet bibendum lacus facilisis vitae. Praesent facilisis sem vel maximus bibendum. Vestibulum eros lorem, pretium a enim ac, pulvinar commodo ipsum. Vestibulum dictum tortor ac commodo commodo. Nam id leo at risus aliquam accumsan. Quisque mollis vulputate nisi, a consectetur augue dapibus in. Nulla commodo sagittis turpis eget aliquam. Ut auctor interdum nisi, nec ultricies orci lobortis ac.



Curabitur ultrices sapien velit, sit amet bibendum lacus facilisis vitae. Praesent facilisis sem vel maximus bibendum. Vestibulum eros lorem, pretium a enim ac, pulvinar commodo ipsum. Vestibulum dictum tortor ac commodo commodo. Nam id leo at risus aliquam accumsan. Quisque mollis vulputate nisi, a consectetur augue dapibus in. Nulla commodo sagittis turpis eget aliquam. Ut auctor interdum nisi, nec ultricies orci lobortis ac.