💡Lamp💡 [MiceLamp] (Species Info/Traits)



2 years, 8 months ago


[A semi-open species by _M1CK3Y_]

Toyhouse world || Discord Server

You may only use common traits for free anything above common require a different rarity slot
[ether by purchasing or winning from events]


This is lamp he is the leader of the mice lamp tribe on planet thalamite he is a basic example of what one looks like


Mandatory || Common || Uncommon || Rare || Mutation

Common mistakes that happen:
(please avoid these to avoid having to redo/change your design)

>people often do the colours of the hand symbols, forearms, eyes, nose and mouth different from the gel colour<
(please please only do this if you have the 2 tone gel trait)

>people use different hand symbols<
(this is a corruption trait hand symbols must be a power symbol)

>people add 3 rings each on multi tails<
(you can only have 3 rings total 2 on one tail 1 on the other or 3 on one tail and none on the other)

Mandatory Traits:

>Face screens are always darker then the eye colour<

>Cloaks are always worn<
[they can be styles as you please]

>arms/legs never connect to the body<

>arms can disappear back into the gems the legs cannot<

>the faces are only screens they cannot physically open their mouths<

>3 tail rings only no more no less<
[if you have multi tails only 3 rings in total not 3 rings on each tail]

>3 gems<
[can be any shape]

>Gel forearms, gel legs, gel inner ears, gel rings, gel bulb<
(all must be the same colour unless stated otherwise)

Common Traits:

>All glowing parts are the same 1 colour<
[eyes, nose, mouth, legs, tail ball, tail rings, gems, inner ears]

>Can have any fur colour<

>Any hair style<

>1 pare of arms<

>1 pare of legs<

>metallic tail<
[can be any colour but must present as metallic]

>eyes can change shape via emotion<
[only the eyes not the entire face]

Uncommon Traits:

[any shape/size]

>2 tails<

>2 different coloured glowing parts<

>Small symbols in glowing parts<


[any type]

>multi ears<
[more then just 2]

>Face symbols<
[entire face can change symbols]

>4 arms<


>Naga body<

>Centaur body<

>Feral body<

>Colour free<
[use any colours for anything you want]

>Organic tail<
[anything but metal]


This is tsumi he is the leader of the corrupted mice lamps he is a basic example of what one looks like
these types of mice lamps are exclusive members are unable to acquire them unless owner allows it.

