


2 years, 8 months ago




Known as Goldentail's cold and mysterious team leader due to her usual lack of expression. Her seemingly aloof and quiet personality as well as her deadly precision make her seem pretty intimidating to others, but despite that, Coley's really sweet, a gentle giant if you will. She doesn't have much of a reputation as her friends, only ever really known as "The Mom Friend", it's a little underwhelming, especially for the second best in the X4 hierarchy, but she can't really do much about her problem with being so quiet she blends in like a background character









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Coley's earned the reputation of being "that one kid" ever since she was a squiddo, she was often left out, or the last one to be chosen during games since she was viewed as "weird" or even "creepy" because of her lack of expression and empathy. Every time a kid would cry nearby, she would just stop and stare, as if she could care less, if people were happy and celebrating, the most you could get out of her was a monotonous cheer. She admittedly grew up quite lonely due to this, save for her cousin, Harley. The two were inseparable, Coley found comfort in being with him, she didn't feel as strange as she usually would around others

Where's the fun in that?

Admittedly, Coley never really knew how to make friends, each time she'd try to start a conversation she'd fall silent, leaving the other person confused and awkward. She wasn't one to play either, having no friends meant not really having much to play with, she'd just sit nearby and watch other kids have their fun. There was a lot of things Coley found hard to do, she couldn't empathize as well as other people, not even a little bit, it made her feel like an outcast, and every attempt she'd have trying to fit in always backfired, that was until she met a very cheerful lil inkling, purple eyes, and seeming to have a permanent grin on her face.

 it was none other than the princess of the playground, Mahi Mahi. She was Coley's first ever friend, of course, they weren't really that close until after a while, but despite that, Mahi was persistent, always inviting Coley to play with her and her other friends, prompting for her to join in on conversations, talking about her with others, it was nice, and slowly but surely, Coley got comfortable with Mahi

A personal interpretation

Mahi wasn't the only one Coley was close to, Coley lived with her aunt and uncle, as well as their son, Harley, he was a few years older than Coley but they were quite the duo, Coley was never as comfortable around anyone but her older cousin, she was significantly more talkative and open around him, albeit, still struggling with the empathy and emotions thing, but Harley seemed to have learned to interpret what she expresses, or at least, what she tries to express. Having spent more time around his younger cousin that he practically considers a sister, He managed to pick up small bits and hints Coley does that he manages to interpret as her way of expression.

Given Harley's little skill, Coley felt significantly less alone around him, it's as if she finally found someone who actually understood her, she wasn't "weird" or "creepy" anymore, she felt welcome. Her bond with Harley only grew stronger every passing day. aside from Mahi, she'd willingly hang out with Harley.

one shot hot shot

When Coley turned 14, Harley insisted on forming a team with her, Mahi, and Mahi's other friend, Rory. Harley had about 1-2 more years of experience than the others, but he was more than glad to help them all get the hang of turf war and all the ranked modes. He trained them and helped them find weapons they were comfortable with, and eventually, what used to be just a casual team of rookies turned into a rising competitive team in a little less than a year.

But with their rising ranks, came stronger rivals and that brought Coley to turn to Harley yet again, this time asking for help with her aim and precision, and to that Harley agreed. The two would stay up past midnight doing aim drills and sniper practicing and not once did either of them give up on getting better, sooner or later, Coley was about to get just as good as her older cousin.

Yeah... feel.

Sooner or later, Team Goldentail was at the top of the ranks, and they've earned quite the reputation, and even despite Harley being part of not one but TWO popular teams, he still managed to stick around for Coley. although things don't always stay too peacefully.

Harley and his friend, Dazzle started to get work gigs for the shady new company in Inkopolis Square, namely, Grizzco. now, given Coley's pretty reserved nature and Harley literally being one of the strongest comp players out there, she didn't really worry much, sure Harley would come home with a few bruises and scratches here and there, but none were really all that life threatening, but what comes next was something she didn't think would ever happen, especially not with Harley.

Coley and the rest of the team were busy testing out weapons in Sheldon's testing room, until Coley's phone started getting several notifications per second, almost ALL from Dazzle, skimming through her frenzied, practically illegible texting, she managed to figure out what she was trying to say

He's dead.

The person Coley depended on so much all throughout her life, gone. Killed by something she probably won't ever know, what now? what happens after this? Coley knew how much of an impact Harley had on her life, she knew how much he meant to her, but despite that... she couldn't get herself to cry, let alone feel sad, all she could think of was nothing but a confuse, yet accepting "oh."

It wasn't long til Mahi and the others came running to her, asking if she was alright. Coley stayed quiet, staring at the ground, hoping they'd take they hint and leave her for now, eventually she did and Coley was left alone, yet again.

now press repeat

Harley's death was pretty significant, team Cold Blooded has disbanded and it left team Goldentail in a really long hiatus. Eventually Rory had left and decided on forming her own team, leaving only Coley and Mahi in the team, as well as Mahi's younger sister, Ling Ling, that was pretty optimistic about joining the two, despite being really young. but to their surprise, Ling Ling had developed her kid form rather early, and that surely helped her with getting into the team early, and she had quite the skill for such a young kid!

eventually, the three stumbled upon an octoling, fresh from the underground, they took them in and eventually, they learned their name was Nile and he was their latest addition to the team, and with that, Goldentail once again had a full team  of four, but without Harley, who was gonna lead?

Ready, AIM, FIRE

Given the time their former leader spent with her, it was no question Coley became Goldentail's new leader. Coley had dropped her jet squelcher and picked up the E Liter 4k, Goldentail was famous for their sniper, but now that Harley's gone, who else was there to take his spot?

Sure, Coley wasn't the best on the spot, but with her past experience, she did pretty good, albeit a little rusty, though eventually she got the hang of it. Sooner or later, no one was able to get past her E Liter, trying to get close to objective was practically a death sentence with her around.

And in no time, Goldentail was getting back on top, beating team after team, until one last, the "new" best of the best, the one team that managed to take their title away from them while they were gone, Crimson Serpents.

No matter how much they tried, no matter how well they'd do, they always lost against the Serpents, But that didn't stop them from challenging them over and over and over again, eventually, the two teams developed quite the friendly rivalry

don't touch that!

Goldentail and the Serpents weren't the onLy ones with a rivalry, it seems Gold's history with one of the members of team Icon, specifically Rory, who was now known as R2, sparked a bit of a friendship with the two teams, which eventually roped in team Silver Starfish, thus forming the X4

The 4 teams were the faces of competitive gaming, they played for tourneys, charities, and a lot more! 

One time after a charity tourney, Riot and the Serpents hosted a celebration at their place, though she was one of the more significant people in the room, Coley couldnt help but feel out of place. Eventually, she slipped away from the crowd and started wandering around the Serpent's home. but what she found, she didn't quite expect

Among the many framed photos of the Serpentine brothers and their team, was a single, shattered picture frame with a photo of a very familiar cuttleling with golden ink, anyone could recognize that smug grin and messy signature from a mile away, it was none other than the deadly sniper everyone knew and love, Harley. but what was this doing at Riot's place, why'd he ha-

"Don't touch that!" All Coley's thoughts and questions were cut short by Riot, who apparently also managed to slip away from the party


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Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Duis sollicitudin elit sed tellus blandit viverra sed eget odio. Donec accumsan tempor lacus, et venenatis elit feugiat non. Duis porta eros et velit blandit dapibus.


Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Duis sollicitudin elit sed tellus blandit viverra sed eget odio. Donec accumsan tempor lacus, et venenatis elit feugiat non. Duis porta eros et velit blandit dapibus.









E Liter 4K Scope

code by honorama