Brand Sandoval



2 years, 7 months ago


Brand Sandoval 

21 y.o. 


(Stealth) trans man (he/him), bisexual 

A sensitive fire mage who owes his soul to the devil. Brand is soft-hearted, but not naive. 

You know the drill- dumb child accidentally summons a demon and gets tricked into giving his soul away in exchange for magic powers. Parents don't want a devil child and drop him off at an order of monster hunters thinking they'll do the dirty work and kill him, but they take him in to train as a child soldier. Grows up to leave the order and embark on a journey to perform good deeds and earn his soul back... and probably run into lots more misfortune along the way! Brand's effective soullessness makes it hard for him to feel genuine emotion or connection towards other people, but he's not cruel to others, he always tries to be "good” and kind. He frequently worries over whether he is or even can be a "good" person while lacking intrinsic morals... all while his desire to be good points to him probably having morals. To be fair, the demon never gave him a checklist of what being soulless would entail. Brand's soul is owned by the devil, but partially leased back to him, else he'd basically just be in a coma. It's when he dies that the devil will fully take his soul, and Brand will have no chance at a pleasant afterlife. He’s also unable to connect with a familiar. Privately, he often worries if he really counts as a human, or wonders if bad things happen to him because he himself is bad. He considers himself a faker for only acting out what he’s learned to be good, rather than it being inherent to him.

His childhood with the monster hunters was pretty crummy, to say the least. Essentially it left him with poor social skills, struggling with taking things too literally and trouble recognizing the feelings of others, as well as high anxiety. Brand is a little nervous around masculine men, and especially sensitive to raised voices.

Brand is a powerful fire mage, but doesn't ever use the full extent of his magic as it's best suited for offense, and he doesn't want to hurt anyone. One use he has found that he likes is firing kilns, forges, even baking bread- knowing that he can create and not just destroy. Brand recognizes that the use of fire magic is a serious responsibility. He's almost completely fireproof- he could only be burned by the fire of a stronger mage. He can also set himself on fire, but he doesn't, as his fireproofing doesn't completely protect his clothes. Brand also runs very warm and noticeably gives off heat, though he‘s not uncomfortable to stand near- it’s actually quite nice during winter. Although Brand prefers his personal space, he won't turn down anyone standing by him to warm up; it's nice to be appreciated. He’s not capable of ice magic, but with a little more effort he can actually make his body temperature/aura cold as well.
He‘s not always blushing, he just has a red face.

Fun fact: his names do not quite rhyme

You may notice some of Brand’s art looks much more lighthearted than I’ve described… shush, let me draw my boy happy.

His hairstyle conveniently flips whichever direction he's facing. It was not designed to make sense. (He uses magic to get it that way. It's a stylized flame shape because Brand the Fire Mage is all about subtlety)