


2 years, 9 months ago


god of wishes, prayers and hope

they're mute and don't speak, at least not physically. its like a silent telepathic sort of speaking, but even then they really have much to "say." he tends to come off as rude or stoic, but is merciful and kind.

his face is always in a blank expression, no one would think they have feelings, but of course he does. 

He sets up wishing wells for humans, they can give him anything they want (as long as its in good intention) and he grants them a wish. 

he is very responsive to those who are suffering. it is said he usually appears in person to those who cry at his wishing well. those who are in great need get a gift from Volen-Mae: a bottle of 5 of his tears. they look like ice but teardrop shaped. you simply state your wish, either out loud or in your mind, and consume the tear. however if the person betrays Volen-Mae's charity and wishes in the name of greed, the person will instantly choke on the tear and perish.

His wishes are limited in certain areas, in cases of death, or other wishes that cannot be completed, the wish is simply not granted. 

As for prayer, Velon-Mae can serve as a messenger as well. kind of like a phone operator. Dial up the operator to send a prayer to the god of so-and-so, he'll send ya prayer right thru for ya. he doesn't make contact w the gods though unless it is of the upmost importance, such as some sort of universe balancing issue, another god causing too much chaos to the Earth or if malevolence is taking over.

Volen-Mae has Dirok protect the home/gravesite of a family of a human who he found very humble. The human cried and lamented at one of his wishing wells, and Volen-Mae gave them his tears, however the human simply wanted company, and vented to Volen, and simply used 1 wish and nothing more. It is unknown what the story behind this human, only Volen and Dirok know.

when VM was younger, he used to be very naive and trusting of others, even a little playful, but as he met the humans walking on earth who took advantage of his kindness, he's closed up and become more wary. He knows that not everyone is bad of course, but when his trust is betrayed, his wishes can become curses. This usually happens to people who start off with good intentions but then slowly become malevolent overtime and using their wishes to further their greed. VM has a grudge against these type of people, people who are easy to give into greed. The curses will inflict them as the opposite of what they wish for. Example:  a human wishes for riches and luxurys, should they betray VM, the wish will go in reverse, the human will become poor and have nothing left to call theirs. VM's grudges are not forgiven unless Thelisi has had a hand in reformation of a human's shittiness 


LcdDem OST - End