


2 years, 11 months ago



Can often be found in a low hanging tree branch or near some mossy logs inspecting mushrooms or other creatures. With his half rotten wing he can at most glide but can no longer fly. and with moss over taking one of his eyes he's half blind, but he doesn't let that stop his research. He's often seen around Willows either just relaxing or helping navigate.

A lil backstory:

Just like Willows, Cleo was also once an average tiger. Unique pelt, but still unriddled with the problems that awaited him. While not being friends yet as cubs, they met not long after Willows curse began to show clear signs. With Cleo's natural curiosity and eagerness to help, he began to search for a cure. All he wanted to do was help Willows, but that would lead to a curse of his own being placed upon him. He doesn't blame Willows and never could or would. Even as he slowly rots he is still searching for a cure.