Atsuko Yuki



2 years, 8 months ago


Atsuko Yuki
Basic Info
Name Atsuko Yuki
Nickname Suki
Gender Female
Age 38 (S1)
Birthday July 18th
Horoscope Caner ♋︎
Species Human
Ethnicity Japanese
Blood Type A+
Birthplace Tokyo, Japan
Occupation Graphic/Digital artist
Orientation Heterosexual
Alignment Neutral Good
Status Alive/Active
Artistic Creative Kind Understanding Supportive



Phasellus elementum placerat erat ac placerat. Nulla ac ante turpis. Curabitur sit amet quam sodales dolor lacinia consectetur vitae vel massa. Sed elementum rutrum risus nec rhoncus. Proin a mattis sapien. Sed a scelerisque diam, et feugiat purus. Etiam luctus dui et iaculis maximus. Maecenas nisi nisi, faucibus non lacus vel, tempor ultrices ante. Donec sapien dui, gravida a ultrices quis, vestibulum et arcu.

Phasellus elementum placerat erat ac placerat. Nulla ac ante turpis. Curabitur sit amet quam sodales dolor lacinia consectetur vitae vel massa. Sed elementum rutrum risus nec rhoncus. Proin a mattis sapien. Sed a scelerisque diam, et feugiat purus. Etiam luctus dui et iaculis maximus. Maecenas nisi nisi, faucibus non lacus vel, tempor ultrices ante. Donec sapien dui, gravida a ultrices quis, vestibulum et arcu.

  • Her nephew, Jaden
  • Arashi Sasaki, her boyfriend
  • Drawing/Designing
  • Creating
  • Takashi, her elder brother
  • Jaden unhappy
  • Akiko being overly bossy
  • Takashi ignoring Jaden
  • Her online persona, Element Mistress is in honor of Jaden and his love for his "Elemental Heroes".
  • In Trials of Dimensions, it is revealed that after the fiasco with "Yubel", Atsuko was the one who got Jaden his "Elemental Hero" cards.
  • Her favorite thing to draw are mythical creatures, her favorite beign Kitsune, the nine-tailed foxes
  • While she does not doing it in Jaden's presence, Atsuko usually goes off at his brother for ignoring Jaden and leaving him with her (not that she minds). She feels Jaden needs a male figure in his life, and nowadays, it's her boyfriend, who steps up
  • She went to Kyoto for university, majoring in art, before moving back to Tokyo. She makes plenty of day trips to Domino City for inspiration for her art, but also for relaxation purposes.
  • Atsuko helped Jaden get into Duel Academy, and paid the fees. They game up with agreement that he try his hardest in classes, knowing he doesn't care for them.
Height 157.5 cm (5'2")
Weight N/A
Build Slim
Complexion Pale
Hair Color Brown, orange highlights
Hairstyle Long, straight
Eye Color Brown
Handedness Right
Aesthetic Casual
Demeanor Friendly


Atsuko is a middle-aged woman with long, brown hair with dark orange highlights, which she often keeps in a high ponytail, and pale, brown eyes, behind a pair of thin glasses.

Phasellus elementum placerat erat ac placerat. Nulla ac ante turpis. Curabitur sit amet quam sodales dolor lacinia consectetur vitae vel massa. Sed elementum rutrum risus nec rhoncus. Proin a mattis sapien. Sed a scelerisque diam, et feugiat purus. Etiam luctus dui et iaculis maximus. Maecenas nisi nisi, faucibus non lacus vel, tempor ultrices ante. Donec sapien dui, gravida a ultrices quis, vestibulum et arcu.

Phasellus elementum placerat erat ac placerat. Nulla ac ante turpis. Curabitur sit amet quam sodales dolor lacinia consectetur vitae vel massa. Sed elementum rutrum risus nec rhoncus. Proin a mattis sapien. Sed a scelerisque diam, et feugiat purus. Etiam luctus dui et iaculis maximus. Maecenas nisi nisi, faucibus non lacus vel, tempor ultrices ante. Donec sapien dui, gravida a ultrices quis, vestibulum et arcu.


Her last name contains the kanji for "play" (遊 ) and "castle" (城 ki), while her first name means "kindness, child" (渥子 atsuko).


Atsuko Yuki is a mentioned character in the fanfiction "Trials of Darkness" She is the paternal aunt of Jaden Yuki, the younger sister of his father, Takashi Yuki. She is very close to her nephew, often being the mother-figure to him as Takashi and his wife were always either out of town, traveling, or doing something for work.


Born on July 18th, in Tokyo Japan, Atsuko is the younger sister of Takashi Yuki, and the younger child and only daughter of Tashiro and Rie Yuki. Growing up, she and her brother were often found arguing over the smallest things, which didn't help their parents. It eventually came to the point, they refused to interact with each other. When Takashi finish high school and went off to unviersity, Atsuko felt it was a blessing.

After high school, Atsuko went to Kyoto for university to study art. Following graduation, she went back home in Tokyo, unable to stay away, despite not wanting to see her brother. She attended his wedding, and later the birth of his son, her nephew, Judai. She fell in love with her nephew the first second she met him, and swore to always be there for him. Though she and her brother disliked each other, they were nice in the presence of Jaden, not wanting to show it in front of him. Early on, Atsuko was Jaden's carer, as her brother and sister-in-law were quite busy in their jobs. She didn't mind it too much, as she worked from home, but Atsuko was more worried for Jaden.

A few years later, Atsuko moved into a larger, bigger apartment. When Jaden was about six-years-old, Atsuko got the strange request to take Jaden in. Though she was confused, mostly because this was the first time where she and Takashi didn't argue after contact, but also because she was worried about her nephew. When she learns about the why she was being asked to take him in, Atsuko agreed.

After helping settling Jaden in, she introduced him to her work partner, Arashi Sasaki, and his niece, Asami. Very quickly the two children became friends, mostly through their love of Duel Monsters. After learning about what had happened, Atsuko gifted Jaden his "Elemental Hero" cards. Things were starting to look good, but then the nightmares began. Worried greatly for Jaden's mental health, she did everything she could to try to help him, even see medical help. But then, the nightmares stopped, which greatly confused Atsuko. But at the same time, Jaden didn't seem notice they had stopped, so she didn't worry much.

When Jaden and Asami were ten, Arashi and Atsuko officially began dating, but making sure to put their niece/nephew first before anything. Most of their dates ended up being family things, with Jaden and Asami, which neither minded. Arashi and Atsuko became engaged, when Jaden and Asami were about thirteen, and two years later, stil lhaven't decided their wedding date.

While out on a day trip to Domino City, Atsuko overheard about Duel Academy. Knowing how much Jaden and Asami were into dueling, she figured it would be good for them. She helped him out with the fees and whatnot to attend, making Jaden promise that he would try his hardest, knowing attending classes wasn't something he liked to do.


Atsuko is highly artistic, which is her main focus of her career. She is able to practically draw anything sometimes, not even needing a picture. She is able to draw with pretty much any material, but prefers the digital side of things. She started off in paints, colored pencils, markers, those types, before taking time to experiement in digital and enjoyed it more.

She is well known in the art community for her replicates of both Mythical creatures and Duel Monsters cards.

Phasellus elementum placerat erat ac placerat. Nulla ac ante turpis. Curabitur sit amet quam sodales dolor lacinia consectetur vitae vel massa. Sed elementum rutrum risus nec rhoncus. Proin a mattis sapien. Sed a scelerisque diam, et feugiat purus. Etiam luctus dui et iaculis maximus. Maecenas nisi nisi, faucibus non lacus vel, tempor ultrices ante. Donec sapien dui, gravida a ultrices quis, vestibulum et arcu.


Atsuko is extremely close to her nephew, Jaden, given she was his main carer when he was small. Her brother and sister-in-law were often so into their work that they seemed to forget Jaden a lot at her place. Atsuko didn't mind, as it made sure she was the positive parental figure in his life.

As time went on and Jaden got older, Atsuko could see his parents leaving him with her was starting to cause issues. Atsuko does all she can for Jaden, including having him attend therapy, worried that his parents leaving him woudl cause everlasting damage, something she did not want. Unfortunately, as much as she helped, Jaden would still end up with some form of abandoment issues.

After the "Yubel" incident, Atsuko gave Jaden his first "Elemental Hero" cards, which helped him out.

Partner / Fiancé

Atsuko is currently engaged to Arashi Sasaki, a fellow graphic/digital artist, and her long-time artistic partner.

Originally as friends, apartment neighbors, their relationship grew as they started doing art pieces together. They friendship grew when Atsuko's nephew, Jaden, moved in with her when he was six, and Arashi's niece, Asami, befriended him. They connected on looking after their siblings' child, along with having words they wished they said to their siblings but never did. By the time Jaden and Asami were ten, Atsuko and Arashi were romantically involved. They became engaged three years later.

Despite their romance, they both put the wellbeing of Jaden and Asami before theirs. Arashi has become a postivie male-figure role model for Jaden, whereas Atsuko has become also, a postive, female role-model for Asami.

Fiancé's Niece

Atsuko gets along well with her partner's niece, and charge. Being the only two females of their odd, but close family they often talk about girl things together. It's the only time Asami will get a little girly, with Atsuko. Asami looks up to Atsuko as a female figure, and trusts her completely.

Elder Brother/Sister-in-law

In short, Atsuko does not get along well with her brother and sister-in-law. When she and Takashi were kids, they had the normal brother-sister bond, where sometimes they could be close, and other times want to tear each other apart. The latter continued to stay as they got older to the point neither spoke to each other. The only times they actually spoke to each other was at his wedding, the bith of Jaden, and them dropping Jaden off with her when they worked.