Anzu Oba



2 years, 8 months ago

Basic Info


Oba Clan




Anzu Oba

Ultimate Amezaiku Artist

  • Name Anzu Oba
  • Age 24
  • Height 6'3"
  • Occupation Candy Maker
  • Nationality Japanese
  • Sexuality Unknown
  • Voice Claim Hinata Hyuga: Naruto Shippuden (JPN)
  • Personality

    Anzu has absolutely no filter between her brain and her mouth, so it's a good thing there's not a negative thought in her head to let slip! She's the first one to lend a shoulder to cry on, and the first to (try at least) climbing a tree to help the kitten that's stuck on the branches. Her soft heart often gets her into loads of trouble, especially by those who would take advantage of such a sweetheart, but she'll willingly fall for the same tricks time and time again if it means she might actually help someone in the end. She's a notorious gift-giver when it comes to her candies, and she's infamous in her village for having a stronger left hook than most employed bodyguards!

    Art by MillyBunBunnilly

  • Appearance


  • Likes Anything Sugary or Sweet, Rabbits, Crystals, Peach Trees, Fan Dancing, Birds
  • Dislikes Sour Candies, Cigarette Smoke, Petty Arguments, Discourse, Cat Calling
  • Backstory


  • Trivia
    • ● She loves being flirted with, the attention flatters her, but for some reason they all hobble away after she playfully smacks their shoulder! What is she doing wrong?!
    • ● A lot of her candy creations go to her older sister, Hayami, as she is one of the only ones aware of her secret sweet tooth
    • ● Her favorite candies to sculpt are goldfish. There's just so much potential and creative space with the colors and patterns she can use!
    • ● She wants a Shiba Inu puppy so bad...SO bad, but there aren't any pets allowed within the house, unfortunately.
    • ● She once fought with Takumi over Fang Jiao's affections! As you can see, that didn't really work out for either of them.
  • N/A Ultimate N/A


  • Hayami Oba Older Sister


  • Unoko Oba Older Sister


  • Takumi Moriyama Nephew


profile html by Hukiolukio