Faine Boulstridge



8 years, 9 months ago


ALIAS: Fable
COVER JOB: Cafe staff
PLACE OF RESIDENCE: Philadelphia, Pennsylvania

AGE: 24
BIRTHDAY: August 30th
GENDER: Demiboy


Faine, with his ashen hair and warm beige eyes, seems almost to have jumped to life from an antique photo. Even his attire holds true to nuetral, almost dusty hues, and is worn with a faint air of respect. Prepared to accommodate all social occasions, Faine's wardrobe is comprised mainly of formalwear. He never goes without his cardigan, which is usually coupled with a complimentary argyle shirt, interchanging panels of rosewood and gray peeking boldly just behind warm white folds. A coffee-brown bowtie nestles at the mouth of his collar. His skintone, pale and sickly in color, attests to his indoor life. Judging from what he presents, Faine's complexion appears to be milky smooth. However, hidden just beneath his clothes are a vast network of crissrossing scars. Bolts of subtle pink run the span of his arms and legs, forming teardrop shapes before tapering into thin lines and then all but disappearing.


For all of his need to be precise, Faine is surprisingly forgetful, especially when it comes to terminology and specific names. He supplies substitutes for words he can't correctly label (i.e. "one-person couch" instead of "chair"), which grates with his perfectionist tendencies. Impatient and unforgiving, he'll endlessly berate himself for even the simplest of mistakes, obsessing over errors and reliving mistakes in his imagination until another one comes to take its place. Tormented by his own faulty choices, he has difficulty withstanding added negativity, and does very poorly when confronted with criticism. When he feels he's under attack, he tends to retreat. But he doesn't retreat in order to tend to his wounds; he worsens them by overanalyzing each insult and adding to their meaning.
Faine is unimpressed by pageantry, valuing simplicity and minimalism above all. His tactics tend to be straightforward and uncomplicated, with as little room for error as possible. He also tends to assume others will follow his thoughts without need of explanation, and is subsequently uncommunicative to the highest degree. He then becomes irritated when he's asked to explain himself, and has very little patience for what he perceives as ignorance.

• mornings
• relaxing with a book
• music if it's played very softly
• vintage phonographs
• cape cod
• flat bread and biscuits

• headlights
• blood tests
• most medical procedures
• unsanitary conditions
• mistakes
• tea stains


Faine remembers nothing before life as a tool that others could prosper from. The circumstances of his youth effectively nullified memories of home and family; thoughts of his childhood only conjure up images of imprisonment and captivity.
Kidnapped at only three years of age, Faine could have never expected what his life would become at the hands of REMEDY, a criminal organization that promoted and supplied illegal organ trafficking. Prized for his desirable O - blood type, Faine’s “resources” fetched high prices and sold quickly. Faine was the pride of REMEDY; their most popular source for products. He was an invaluable source of income.
Of course, if not kept healthy, Faine's blood and skin would plummet in value, but because of early neglect Faine was not the hardiest of children. He suffered from frequent asthma attacks, was agonized by chronic stomach pain, and seemed to be allergic to everything. Without legal custody of Faine, REMEDY was required to smuggle medications and coax unlicensed doctors into their facilities in order to keep him healthy.
In the rare case that Faine was not resting or being operated on, he would spend time with his friend. But it was only shortly after he had grown attached to any of the children involved in REMEDY that the organization was exposed and gutted. Many of the children were identified and returned to their legal guardians, Faine included.
As it turned out, Faine had a father and a younger sister who lived in Rhode Island. When he was returned, he was already eleven, but REMEDY had, to the surprise of many, effectively educated their young hostages. It did not take long for Faine to be placed in the school system, where he bided his time until he graduated high-school.
Upon graduation, Faine returned to Pennsylvania and was reunited with his childhood friend. He also met one of the people who were involved in the accidental yet auspicious uncovering of REMEDY. Affiliating himself with them and pledging himself to their causes, Faine now works as their consulting strategist.