


2 years, 9 months ago




Gender Agender
Pronouns She / They
Age 20
Birthday 3rd of March
Sign Pisces
Orientation Bi-Asexual
Height 5'6"
Nationality American
Ethnicity Robot
Ultimate Retail Worker
I liked where I was, and stuff.
Which is a small thing to miss, compared to, like, mass extinction and junk.
But y'know.
...I dunno.
The world sucks, I think.
It's...it's stupid, it's awful to live in, and it's fucking shitty too.
But I love it, I guess.
I want it to not suck. Because I love it.
Not...give up on it, I guess.
Extroverted Introverted
Instinctive Calculated
Polite Sassy
Deceptive Sincere
Indifferent Emotional
Reserved Affectionate
Lone wolf Team player
Voice Claim Es
Arcana The Chariot
Alignment Neutral Good

Design notes

  • Convex has a light grey face made of metal, with yellow lines and dots sparsely decorating her face.
  • She wears an LED light screen, which displays their eyes and nose in bright green–past that, there are no facial features.
  • Their blonde hair is tied into two high ponytails, dyed a light peach at the tips.
  • Their arms are made of a dark grey metal, with bright turquoise lines and buttons found on them. A control panel can be found on their forearm.
  • On their palms are what appear to be dimly lit circles, the glass in front of them cracked.
  • Convex wears a black sleeveless shirt with a bright pink collar. At the center is a square button of the same colour.
  • Tied around their neck is a light green bowtie.
  • Draped over their shoulders is a pink and black jacket with light green cuffs, and tied around her waist is a long black tie.
  • For bottoms, she wears a green pleated skirt. her socks are black with green and turquoise arrows on the left and right leg respectively.
  • Her socks are black with green and turquoise arrows on the left and right leg respectively.
  • They wear ripped black gloves on each of their hands.
  • On the top of her head is an unbalanced turquoise halo ring.
  • For shoes, Convex wears bunny demonias with heelys.

Public Biography

Convex is a relaxed character, not too keen on starting a fight or getting involved in one to begin with. They're known to be rather mellow and tend to go with the flow of things. Despite this, they're a stickler for organised routines. An air of confusion surrounds her, and she's not the sharpest tool in the shed. However, they aren't naive, Convex is well aware of the dangers of the world. Loyal, almost dog-like in nature, Convex at their core wants to protect. Though also at their core is a mild aggression; a small desire to break alongside a desire to defend. Though it's been controlled with soft objects to squeeze, the want still lingers from code untouched. Nonetheless, Convex tries to restrain themself from violence of any means, a pacifist in nature.

Convex is a follower, only ever directing themself in terms of self-purpose. Though they are no one's yes-man, in a group they tend to take the backseat in leadership. Convex doesn't think too much about the future, only wanting to live in the moment, wishing for it to last longer. While not the most outgoing, it's a stretch to say they're shy. She enjoys small meaningless chats over existential discussions, even if they're unavoidable. Convex's true wish though, is to be able to assimilate into society, and have a normal life. Put simply, to be seen as herself.

Full Biography

You can find it here!
Hometown Orlando
Best Trait Protective
Worst Flaw Awkward

Trope I Just Want To Be Normal
D.E. Skill Volition
Animal Rabbit

Deadly Sin Wrath
Playlist ♪♫♪

Fave Food Can't Eat.
Fave Drink Can't Drink.

Various Trivia

  • Convex knows how to speak, read and write 7 languages fluently.
  • Convex has only been physically present for 5 years.
  • Convex's associated flower is a white heather.
  • Convex, despite being unable to eat, would love to try spray-can cheese.
  • Convex also goes by the nickname, 'Connie'.
  • Stress Balls
  • Bunnies
  • Mushrooms
  • Amusement Parks
  • Tangled Earphones
  • Beaches
  • Mason Jars
  • Maths
  • Boxing
  • Baseball
  • Rugby
  • Learning Languages
