Lum Applebranch



2 years, 8 months ago


Lum Astrid (Shimmy) Applebranch, formally known as just Lum, is a satyr (circle of dreams) druid. She's adopted and lives Haefen, a floating city surrounded by dangerous and magical clouds called The Fold. She works in the Scouting  Division, groups who scout the fold to reclaim relics of the past, and to identify debris before it hits the city. Lum, often is not fully there. She is often drowsy, air headed, and childish. She also can't tell the difference between what's real and what's an dream and has started discovering magic through these dreams. Very prone to sleepwalking and lucid dreaming because of it.

In her spare time outside of scouting, Lum likes to sew, watch magic  basketball and help her mother out in her toy shop. She also enjoys reading fairy tales and collecting mushrooms. Started with the magic item paper birds, and currently has one left. She also has three moms which is pretty cool :) (Her birth mom lives in the actual feywild, and seeing as her mom is The literal Queen Titania, honestly makes sense.) In all technicalities, Lum is related to a god and might be one as well. Whether she wants to be or not.

She's gonna worry about that later though!! Her friend has to let her mom know when to die so... Unlikely to happen anytime soon. :)

Design notes:

  • She  always has her bangs over her eyes. She can see perfectly fine okay?? (Due to her magic and being able to see things that aren't there, Lum's eyes are sensitive when not in the feywild. Which is all the time, really!)
    • Her eye's are emerald green, that shimmers with blue/pink/purples.
  • Hair, currently stops right bellow her shoulders! Less deer themed and more,, sheep/ram themed.
  • Her clothes are based off Victorian fashion. She makes her own clothes too (I just haven't drawn them yet)
  • Currently missing her left thumb!! Due to magic mishaps.
  • After looking into a pinhole in the feywild, Lum now has little flowers that pop out of her hair when she has a big reaction to anything. Specifically Apple Blossoms. Very happy?  Flowers! Sad? Flowers!! Specifically Apple Blossoms. Scared/nervous?? Oh baby, it's flowers. (They can be removed, but they're pretty noticeable.)