Ophelia's Comments


I sold this character to you a while back, but I miss them an incredible amount!

I forget how much I sold them to you for, so just name your price!

Any sort of reply would genuinely be appreciated, and I’m sure we can come to some sort of deal/offer we’re both happy with. 

Thanks so much. ^^


I am. SO. SORRY!!! I’m never on here and I just by some chance saw this message but I’m hoping you see this 😭😭 I believe I bought them from you for around 7-8k but I don’t mind giving them back to you for free since it’s be too much of a hassle to go through all of the trouble paying back. I’ll transfer them right away. So sorry again 💔💔

Don’t worry about the wait, it’s really no trouble 😭 But thank you so much!! 🙏 this really means a lot to me!

No problem! Glad I could help out ^^