Megumi Haijima



2 years, 8 months ago


name; megumi haijima

alias; seraphina

age; 17

gender; female

sexuality; bicurious

crush; open

alignment; hero

role; shiketsu 3rd year

hair; light lavender

eyes; teal

skin tone; peachy white

height; 5'2

weight; 109 lbs

build; well toned, but short-ish

quirk; seraph

quirk description; with this quirk megumi is granted the abilities of an angel and light manipulation.

the abilities that come from this include a wing mutation, which allows flight, decelerated aging, enhanced

durability (only slightly more than an average person), and enhanced speed while in the air. when it comes

to the light manipulation part of her quirk, it is much stronger during the day and she must store light energy

which she can later convert into power. this energy is absorbed into her wings and as they store power, they

begin to glow, allowing her to judge how much energy she had built up, which comes in extremely useful at

night when she must conserve his energy. she is able to transfer this energy from her wings to other parts of

her body if she so desires. she is well versed in honing this light and is able to create blasts from her hands and

feet, bursts of lights with a flap of her wings and a forcefield around herself if she wraps his wings around

herself and releases the energy in them. this allows her quirk to work both defensively and offensively. the

range on this quirk is close-to-mid range, though it works best in the mid-range. despite the power it potentially

has, this quirk has its downsides those being that it is much weaker at night and that it relies heavily on the

wings. while tying her wings together doesn't stop the transfer of energy, it forces her to rely on her combat

skills instead. it is also possible for her wings to get clipped off which would ruin her entire quirk for she cannot

regenerate them. speaking of her wings, they usually appear small to keep them out of the way, but she is able

to grow them larger for combat reasons. this also helps her with flight. if she were to keep them at their true

size all the time, they would cause many difficulties in basic everyday activities. the downside to keeping them

small is they are able to absorb less light energy than they would at full size, but she accepts that trade off.

overuse of her quirk causes her massive migraines and makes her wings incredibly sore and forces them to shrink

back to their smaller size.


-strength; 4/5

-speed; 3/5 (on the ground) 5/5 (in the air)

-technique; 4/5

-intelligence; 4/5

-cooperation; 1/5

personality; megumi is a snooty, uptight girl who tends to come off extremely cold to those around her.

simply put, she is not very nice. she snaps rather quickly at those around her and is very stern towards her

peers as well as on herself. she is one that holds herself to high standards and does not accept anything less.

her nature causes people to avoid her and she doesn't mind one bit. if people can't stand how she is, then she

believes they aren't worth her time. megumi has a habit of looking down upon others which can be off-putting

for most though few are able to break through this hard exterior she puts up. it may seem like it is impossible

to do so, but with enough determination it can be done. she respects those who can keep up with her and will

hold them quite highly. towards these people she may act kindly, though not in the sense normal people would.

she simply does not act so harshly towards them that she would towards others. these people are the ones she

is far more willing to open up to, though even that is a rarity in itself. megumi is very bad at sharing her own

emotions if they are not negative ones. she is far too stubborn to let others see her sad or happy, though she

is more lenient on the latter. still, it is difficult to even get her to express happiness by normal means. the

closest people get is smug smirks and the like. nothing overly kind. it might seem strange that she is training

to become a hero given her personality, but deep down, she does care for others and wants to help them. she

just has her own odd way of showing it. strength means a lot to her and becoming a hero shows a that in her

eyes, thus she trains to become one. another thing to be noted about her is her love to gossip about others.

when she is comfortable or close with others, she enjoys sharing gossip with them even if they don't want to

hear it. in battle, megumi is a bit different than her usual self, though not too much so. most would think she'd

be one to talk up a storm and throw threats about, but she is serious and collected, showing that she can be

tactical and intelligent while fighting. she shows great prowess in her skills and is very confident in them, even

cocky. she will not let others talk her down and will hold strong to believing that she is powerful. megumi can

show moments of vulnerability and in these times will allow herself to rely on others. there are brief moments

showing that she can actually be kind as well, hinting that she does indeed have a soft side that is incredibly

hard to dig out. while she may not be the sweetest, and she may have a bit of a superiority complex, she is

trying her best to help out the world in her own kind of way.

other; none