world lore



2 years, 8 months ago

Basic Info

Is everything fine with the fact all that exists around you are monsters? Is everything fine when violence and murder is the norm? The Monsters rule here. Have for centuries since the barrier between worlds was broken by an unknown culprit. Humans breed with monsters leaving a mixed population. there a rebellion known as "Kindred". that seeks to tear down the Monsters,but ar what cost?


-centuries have past since the barrier between the workd of monsters and men was broken,to this day no-one knows who did it. Monster have overrun the world and the fare of humanity is grim. Treated like dirt for tasks their opressors want them to do. Interbreeding is so common that its hard a pure human or a pure monster anymore. Pure humans fetch a high price while Pure Monsters hold high positions of power

-Kindred is a group of mixed monsters and humans who are against the opressorsion of humans. Kindred is lead by one of fee pure humans

the world is based off a class system,with nobles being near the top and commoners at the bottom. its a semi-modern world