


2 years, 7 months ago


Name: Hale

Title: The soul hunter

Species: vastayan

Gender: male

Sexuality: asexual

Age: 10-13

Height: 5'3

Region: born in Ionia, lived in noxus for a while

Equipment: broken horn with a poisonous tooth, gauntlet

Appearance: ^

Personality: Once a sweet and timid kid. After his corruption,  his malice tool root. Hale normally acts like a little brat, enjoying toying with others alot. He often pulls pranks on others and finds his self getting into some kind of trouble. Hale kinda has a hard time listening to other people, so he'll just ignore folk. In all truth,  he's just a troubled kid who wants to be free

Bio: In the small village hidden away in Ionia, an unusual vastayan boy was born. The boy who was named Hale, was often mistreated and avoided by the other kids in the village..people said he was a bad omen, others just believed he was some kind of evil reincarnated and the list just went on. Although no one wanted to do anything with him, Hale’s parents loved him and protected him from those who wanted to harm Hale in any kind of well.

They protected him, but not well enough. Noxus hunters managed to snuff out the village and destroyed everything. The Vastayans did put up a fight, but they couldn’t chase them out. In order to protect their young, the adults had turned their selves so the kids could flee to another neighbor village, but one of the hunters spotted Hale and captured the strange boy.

Back at Noxus, Hale was sold off to a noble. The greedy noble basically mistreated Hale, using him as some kind of attraction, worked from dusk to dawn and was punished if he did not follow rules. Finally, Hale decided enough was enough and fled the mansion he was being kept as a prisoner.

Months passed, Hale was unable to survive much longer, he was on the brink of death until thresh came on a carriage pulled by souls. Instead of taking his soul, Thresh offered him something he couldn’t refuse. Power that could give him revenge on those who mocked and used him. Of course hale took the offer without thinking about the consequences: being a eternal servant to the chain warden