


2 years, 8 months ago



rate ss ghoul: "cat eye"



 Alias  Cat Eye ('Cat')

 Gender  Cisgender Female

 Age  27

 Birthday  ???

 Sexuality  Pansexual

 Alignment  Chaotic Good

 Occupation  Inmate Nurse

 Voiceclaim tba


Tsukiyama SHuu[ Good (Best?) friend ]

 They met when he was brought into her care following torture. Cat immediately took to him, because he engaged her in conversation, and seemed to genuinely value her (despite appearing a little weird at times). He promised to write to her, and she waits on his messages every day.

the guard[ Secret Alliance ]

Secretly, these two have been fraternising for years. Cat uses him as a means of human interaction, and as a method of not being patted down when she goes on delivery runs. What does he gain from the relationship...? Well... 

Haise sasaki[ ??? ]


???[ ??? ]

Tba baby!!

the ccg[ Somewhat indifference ]

Despite imprisoning her, and using her skills for their gain and research, she is somewhat content under their care. 

???[ ??? ]



Basic Personality

  • Strong-willed
  • Confident
  • Loud
  • Loyal
  • Positive
  • Rough and Tumble 
  • Objectively Dumb (Affectionate) 

Personality Description

Cat is loudmouthed, uncouth and generally crass. She lacks any sort of formal education, meaning that she lacks understanding of many concepts considered 'basic knowledge'. However, this doesn't stop her from being social! She's extremely chatty and extroverted, and is more than willing to yak the ear off anyone who engages in conversation with her. Physically, she loves intimacy, and values being close with friends and allies, often roughhousing them in the process. Despite this, she'll stop (albeit with disappointment), if someone tells her to. 

She prides herself on her strength and uniqueness, as this usefulness and powerfulness is what Cat has concluded has allowed her to survive so long, both on the streets and within the walls of Cochlea. Cat is also extremely loyal, and is a true ride-or-die. She's definitely the type to dive straight off a cliff if someone she loves does it first!


• As a young teen on the streets, she had violently red-dyed hair.
• She considers herself above other ghouls, despite being unfamiliar with the concept of narcissism.
• She loves hair, styling hair, combing hair, dyeing hair, playing with hair, eating hair. The list of possibilities is endless!
• Despite being rough around the edges, she's genuinely caring and kind. She's not inherently evil in any way.  

Personality Breakdown























59/100 total


Fighting Style
Cat uses her twin Bikaku tails whilst fighting. The tail as a whole is mobile, with the split ends able to be independently controlled with enough practise. The ends of each tail possess multiple large points, which, when whipped at an enemy with enough force, can cleave through flesh and bone with ease. The Bikaku is covered in hard, metallic plates, which create almost impenetrable armour. However, these plates are able to be independently lifted and fired at velocity, easily slicing through potential enemies. However, this leaves her tails fleshy and vulnerable, meaning that, more often than not, to avoid them being severed or becoming a liability, she must retract her Kagune. 

Special Skills
Cat is a chimera Ghoul - possesses two different types of Kagune. However, what sets her apart from other Ghouls in this category is each organ's respective use. Whilst the Bikaku is overpowering under normal circumstances, the real game-changer for Cat is her Ukaku Kagune, which has a special property contained within its RC cells - it can be used to heal. Whilst the Ukaku itself manifests as two fleshy lumps protruding from Cat's shoulder blades, small tendrils can be released from special 'holding sacs' within the pitted 'flesh' of the organs, and attached via incision to the flesh and bloodstream of another Ghoul, or even a human. The tendrils are hollow, and have sharp ends, enabling them to dig into flesh, however they have extremely low durability. RC fluid and other vitals are channeled from Cat's primary Kakuhou (the Ukaku, despite being the objective weaker Kagune, is classified as 'primary' due to it being higher on the body) into the body of the recipient. This is a drain on Cat physically, so it's preferable that she be eating, to replenish her RC count whilst healing. Due to the fragility of the tendrils, it is much more advantageous for Cat to be away from the action whilst attempting to heal patients. 

Strengths and Weaknesses

  • Large-scale fights
  • Fighting within a group
  • Long-distance
  • One-on one fights
  • Enclosed/unsheltered spaces
  • Fighting in close proximity

Cat's Bikaku is neither swift enough nor durable enough to withstand fights at a close range, these pitfalls heightened by its lack of defensive mechanisms. Although the plates can be fired, it leaves the Kagune vulnerable and gives Cat almost no choice but to withdraw it, leaving her vulnerable. As mentioned above, the Ukaku, whilst effective at healing, is draining and fragile, meaning that it is not a viable option in a battle at close proximity, or in a small space with little shelter for Cat to recuperate herself/others behind. Due to this, Cat, although still extremely powerful, is better placed in a support position at the rear of an attacking force, where her Bikaku's firing ability and healing capabilities can be used to their fullest extent.


Health Rundown

Despite being locked up in Cochlea for almost 14 years, Cat can be considered in relatively good health. 

Physical Illnesses
  • Missing right eye
Mental Illnesses
  • Depression
  • ADHD 
  • Loneliness


 Height  176cm

 Weight  70kg

 Body Type  Somewhat curvy

 Posture  Slouched

 Sex  Female

 Blood Type  A

 Drinks?  N/A

 Smokes?  N/A

 Drugs?  <REDACTED>

<Investigator's Notes>

Rate SS Ghoul "Cat Eye" (also known as <REDACTED>) is extremely healthy physically, not only because she retains a (relatively) 'healthy' body weight in comparison to her height, but also because she is allowed to exercise regularly. However, she has been observed as being prone to bouts of depression and appears to be extremely lonely. When alone, she exhibits similar behaviour to that of animals trapped in zoos (see 'zoochosis'), pacing listlessly with a blank look in her eyes. She also appears to have a shorter than average attention span for a ghoul, and difficulty concentrating on certain tasks, whilst becoming 'hyperfixated' or 'hyperfocused' on others. For the most part, when approached, she appears placid and almost 'kind', although, she is much less edgy around fellow ghouls. She enjoys being engaged in any kind of conversation, however said interaction must be 'dummed down' to her level in order for her to understand and follow along. She becomes aggressive if approached on the side of her missing eye, so it is best not to approach from that side unless absolutely necessary. <REDACTED> is an essential part of the CCG's collection, and an invaluable resource to deepen our understanding of Ghoul biology.<End> 

Anatomical Anomalies

Cat lost her right eye in a scrap with another ghoul. it is unclear when or where. She isn't self conscious about it, rather proud of having such an 'impressive' scar. To her, it symbolises survival and strength. She'll often admire scars on other ghouls, sometimes to the point of envy. She has been living with it for so long that it now barely bothers her. 


  • Physical contact
  • Scars and other 'battle trophies'
  • People reading to her
  • Isolation
  • Being unable to understand/comprehend
  • Being ignored
  • Cat doesn't have hobbies


"All things truly wicked start from innocence."  -ERNEST HEMMINGWAY

"If you meet a loner, no matter what they tell you, it’s not because they enjoy solitude. It’s because they have tried to blend into the world before, and people continue to disappoint them." -JODI PICOULT (MY SISTER'S CARER) 

"I am Dead, but it's not so bad. I've learned to live with it"  -ISAAC MARION (WARM BODIES)


Warning: This story contains potentially triggering themes. Mentions of gore, cannibalism and violence

Cat was born to unknown parents in the darkest recesses of Tokyo's fourth ward; an area fraught with high ghoul activity, violence and turf wars. Not particularly desired by either of her parents, she was left to herself at a young age, forced to navigate the terrifying and dangerous world of Ghouls all by herself. Despite the adversity, Cat rose above it, becoming notorious amongst her fellow ghouls and the CCG for all the wrong reasons. She would band together with other Ghouls, and back up and lead the takedowns of stationed CCG investigators, becoming capable of handling a even Special Investigator by herself. 

However, despite her prowess when it came to dealing with troublesome investigators, her fellow Ghouls were a always going to be a logistical struggle for Cat. She was always too loud, too annoying, to aggravating or forthwith. Other Ghouls just didn't care or outright despised her presence, despite the fact that these 'annoying' qualities could be dismissed because of her young age. It was with other Ghouls that issues began to present themselves with Cat. 

Despite everything, Cat would always feel much more comfortable and fulfilled around other Ghouls, no matter how much they seemed to hate her. As thus, she began to seek out groups to join and back up, which she eventually found. According to the CCG, she was recorded to be participating in as many as five of these groups. During a mission for one such group, led by one of the strongest Ghouls in the ward at that time, Cat let the group down, causing mass casualties. She decided that, instead of taking the time out to heal the wounded, that she would play a more active role in the fight, in order to impress her superior; but this had the opposite effect. The group sustained massive losses due to Cat's negligence, with even the leader's right hand man falling in action. As a result, Cat was harshly punished by him, with the entire right side of her face obliterated by his Kagune. Despite her healing capabilities, Cat was unable to restore her lost eye, with the actual organ being ripped from her face by the leader and consumed prior to her 'punishment'. She was allowed to escape with her life, running as far away from the group as possible, leading her to end up just as alone and afraid as before. This was the inciting incident which truly propelled Cat into infamy. 

From that point, Cat made sure to kill as many other ghouls and investigators as possible, in order to make herself strong enough to challenge the leader who had stolen her sense of belonging, once and for all. The leader had warned other groups in the ward about her so called 'unreliability', and thus Cat was ostracised. Killing became a sport, not just an arbitrary and guilt-causing chore. It was a method of  But alas, due to her isolation and eventual reverence as a dangerous ghoul to be around (even for other ghouls), Cat was eventually cornered and trapped by investigators. The Doves were extremely surprised to see that the rate SS ghoul, 'Cat Eye', capable of murdering the toughest of Special Investigators, scourge of the fourth ward, was a 14 year old girl. More surprising too, were her physical capabilities. The CCG had never seen a Ghoul quite like her - and thus, after much consideration, they decided it would be advantageous to keep her around, and experiment on her, to figure out her biology further. 

She has lived in Cochlea for the last 13 years of her life, helping with healing and being a medical anomaly. She has also served as some sort of method through which the CCG (within certain parameters, of course) could observe ghoul behaviour, and her existence within Cochlea has been somewhat of a basis for a lot of what the CCG know about Ghoul psychology. Although, it must be taken into account that Cat, although seemingly fine, is under extreme subconscious physiological and mental stress, and is also extremely emotionally immature and naive, due to the nature of her upbringing and life up until this point. Thus, she is an unreliable indicator of ghoul behaviour.  

Last edited --/--/----   |   Worth $ (my entire soul)

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