Sunny Deering



2 years, 9 months ago


I feel like a million bucks, a million bucks

[ name ] Sunny Deering
[ gender ] Trans Woman
[ pronouns ] She/Her
[ sexuality ] Lesbian
[ age ] 20 y/o
[ birthday ] December 18th
[ height ] 6'0 ft
[ job ] College Student

[ courage ]
[ intellect ]
[ empathy ]
[ temper ]
[ charisma ]
[ humor ]

Sunny is a rather cheerful and upbeat girl, making friends wherever she goes, and seeing the best in everyone. In elementary school, Sunny became enamored with acting, after being the lead in her 2nd grade play. Then, in middle school, she wanted to try out a sport, and became similarly interested in wrestling. Now she's in college, working towards a degree in the performing arts department on an athletics-based scholarship. She's not 100% sure what she wants to do with her life- she either wants to become a pro wrestler (the real Olympic sort) or a pro wrestler (the fake WWE sort). Not that she needs to figure it out right away- college is at least partially for having fun, after all!

With that in mind, a short trip on a party boat with a couple of friends that Sunny's crushing on sounds like a great idea! At least, it did, until jellyfish began hovering in the air around everyone, terrorizing them. Either luckily or unluckily, it was revealed none of those were real, and instead just a byproduct of the previously-thought dead captain drugging them with psychedelics, so he could torment them before ultimately murderering them. They managed to stop him and get back to shore, everyone surviving, albeit traumatized and injured.


  • big group hangouts
  • sporty girls

  • scared of tight spaces, the dark, absolute silence, and general horror
  • definitely any sort of mind altering substances

  • She can bench up to 400 lbs
  • At the end of the one shot game I was using her in, the GM had been playing scary music, but near the very end, Million Bucks by Smallpools came on, which works really well for an end of movie credits scene

[ soccer gf ]

[ track gf ]

[ teammate ]