


2 years, 7 months ago



30-ish, but could pass as 20 (not above using his youthful appearance to his advantage)


Cis male (he/him), gay

A dual-dagger assassin who rarely tells the truth, Sorin can talk in circles without ever really saying anything. He doesn't truly trust anyone. However, his lighthearted and mischievous personality seems to be genuine. He is incredibly competent at his job. Sorin isn't just a stab-and-go assassin, he's also an infiltrator and spy. His work goes beyond just killing whoever he's pointed towards, Sorin is deeply familiar with politics and the ways of the court. He's good for very high-profile jobs, ones that send a real message- nobles, royalty, public events, you name it. There have been several times he was tasked with observing even for months before deciding himself who needed to die to achieve the desired outcome. Sometimes he can even find a non-fatal solution- while it’s not something he shies from, the act of killing people isn’t his main goal, nor something he finds particularly pleasurable. It really is just a job. He also doesn't like collateral damage- simply because it's unprofessional, he claims. He does however enjoy the powerbrokering aspect. Sorin is under no illusion about being a good person, but he’s mostly indifferent about this.
Sorin is very smart, but usually acts dumb so people don't expect much from him. All the lying and joking around is partly to conceal his assassin work, but Sorin also has serious trust issues. He hates being touched, especially without warning or from behind. Though he's often seen smiling, it's not always a happy or genuine smile. Sorin only has 4 fingers on each hand (since birth) and despises wearing shoes. He's very distrustful of magic, but acknowledges its usefulness. When he is not assassining, Sorin‘s hobbies include puzzles and riddles, as well as making them himself; intentionally cheating badly at board/card games; and mingling with the locals. He can actually be quite charming, even if he’s faking it.

Sorin was a slave for most of his young childhood. It was... not great! But even then he knew to act and earn trust, eventually getting close enough to kill his "owner" when Sorin was only a young teen. He claims that he just found out he was good at killing and decided to make a career in what he was good at, but there's surely a missing link between him running away that night and now.

Etienne: "So do I have this right? You became an assassin because you killed one man and you just thought... "well, when life gives you lemons?""

There’s some edginess mixed in here, comes with the territory for assassin characters, but Sorin mostly is a fun/comedic character.

Sometimes he’s a Dragon age character, and will be pictured with face tats. 

Design note: Sorin has wide shoulders, muscular chest and arms, and long legs (relative to his height). His shirt is two parts, a tank top under the teal shoulder piece. While Sorin feels neutral about presenting as a woman to do a job, he doesn't do it outside of work and actually looks quite masculine.

Design fun fact: I once jokingly declared that Dragon Age Inquisition didn't have enough boob windows to qualify as a fantasy rpg, and that's why I gave Sorin one.

More on assassins v

Assassins are a routine and expected part of politics in this setting. They're frequently used by infighting nobles, but can also work on behalf of the common folk - it's just seen as common sense to have tyrants who are abusing their power 'put down.' If you think you've pissed someone off enough, you might even hire an assassin as a guard against others. Some nobles even see this practice as a dangerous sport or game, with its own rules. Anything is fair game to stop an assassin on a job, but it's considered bad sportsmanship to kill one who's off duty. 

Sorin is considered a bit of a pain in the ass to employ because of his attitude, but he certainly is effective.