


2 years, 7 months ago



21 y.o.


Amab nonbinary (he/him), aroace

His name is Kanon and that's also his personality. He does lightning magic and has little regard for authority. Yes, he has a mullet. What more do you even need to know?
Not-quite tragic backstory check! Kanon grew up without parents, and he turned to crime to get by, some more severe than others. He was unknowingly doing this in an area controlled by a criminal gang, getting them blamed for his actions. The gang came after Kanon to teach him a lesson, only to discover that he was a cute kid who could get into places they couldn’t, not to mention a magic-user who had been successfully getting away with his crimes until then. They let Kanon off the hook on the condition that he join them, and he’s had a nice new family ever since.

Kanon is still a criminal, but thinks of himself as the "Robinhood" type, who targets the wealthy and powerful while helping the common man. He can however differentiate between those who made their wealth by exploiting and harming others, and those who do honest work. Kanon may be dumb, but he’s not stupid. He’s generally a decent person who cares about others, though he might not show it the traditional way. Kanon uses whatever power and influence he might have to fight on behalf of the common folk, seeing how he and everyone he cares about are common folk. However, nobles and authorities who abuse their power won’t find much mercy from him. He’s also an anarchist- like for real, not just to sound cool. As rough around the edges as he may be, he's literally an activist and community organizer. 

DND-wise, he's a chaotic… good? sorcerer with draconic ancestry and stupid high charisma. He's also a major glass kanon and "dies" like once per session

I do not care what tieflings are in DnD canon, but Kanon is not a demon. It's actually more accurate to call him a dragon! Biologically he’s pretty reptilian. He's cold-blooded and has mild heat vision.

His hands and feet are darker colored than the rest of his scales. Could be natural, could be from all that high power magic. His horns are wider than his shoulders and he is hitting them on things constantly. That cap on the tip of his horn is because it broke off; it's important his horns be the same weight, for spine health. He also has lightning scars I just haven't added to his ref yet. He has no irises or pupils. Tongue is a good 6-7 inches ("what it do" is get bitten constantly, next question) Only hisses his "s"s if he's distracted