
Lawrence "Lawrie" Song

I couldn’t get the boy to kill me, but I wore his jacket for the longest time.

Gender Transmasc Genderfluid
Pronouns He/She
Orientation Gay
Age 20 (9/26)
Ethnicity White-Chinese
Measurements 5'6" - 136lbs
Ultimate Ghost Hunter
Duo/S.O. Roosevelt Rowe
Playlist ♪♫♪
Role N/A
I am almost completely souless.
I am incapable of being human.
I am incapable of being inhuman.
I am living life uncontrollably.
We said we hated humans.
We want to be humans.
Extroverted Introverted
Instinctive Calculated
Polite Sassy
Deceptive Sincere
Indifferent Emotional
Reserved Affectionate
Lone wolf Team player
Trope Gifted Burnout
Zodiac Scorpio
Alignment True Neutral

Design notes

  • Lawrie has neck-length hair that is dyed red. He has side-parted bangs with locks that come down and frame her face. One of his bangs is usually braided and tucked behind his ear. Her hair fans out from his neck.
  • He wears a pair of rolled up red overalls until about his knees. She wears this over a dark green button up and a green sweater with a white geometric moth on it.
  • Lawrie wears two pairs of sunglasses: a pair tinted teal usually on his forehead, and a pair they actually wear on their face that is tinted yellow. These sunglasses are wire framed and oval-shaped.
  • He wears a blue scarf with a line and star pattern on it. She accessorizes also with gold rings and a pair of triangle-shaped gold earrings.
  • Overall, Lawrie has a lanky, thin body type with narrow shoulders, somewhat wide hips, and, when he isn't binding, a small chest. Her face is round and his dark gray eyes are monolidded. He has two moles: one under his left eye, and one under his lip on the right.

And you're in love with late-stage youth


GHOSTS FOLLOW LAWRIE EVERYWHERE HE GOES, or so he says. As the Ultimate Paranormal Investigator, she claims to have some kind of connection to the "spirit world" and to have seen ghosts before. This is most shown on a web show he has with his show partner, Roosevelt Rowe, where they film themselves looking for ghosts or cryptids or whatever strange things they can finds in abandoned buildings and dark forests. Their show isn't much, but it's enough to remain mildly popular on the internet. Because of this, Lawrie has a vast collection of ghost hunting tools and "haunted objects" from her years of work.


Lawrie is not shy, but introverted: she comes off as extremely dry and paranoid, and neglects stepping out of this box. She has the tendency to be overly sarcastic and bitter to almost every proposition, as if challenging everything people say to her. Though most anything gets a dismal remark from Lawrie, he gets heated over discussion of topics he is passionate about, and doesn't go down without much of a fight. Always, she claims to be somewhat normal and uninteresting, and generally tries to keep himself out of public conversation. Though, it's important to note that Lawrie is a "wunderkind" of sorts in the field of theoretical physics, even if he'll never be the first to bring it up — she's far more intelligent than what he might give off initially, and tries to keep it that way.

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