Kaguya Kazeuoka



2 years, 8 months ago


This story is true. (That's the werewolf equivalent to saying "once upon a time".)

There was once an orphan girl named Kayla, left at an orphanage doorstep as a baby for reasons she had no idea of. No matter how much she tried, she never could get adopted, but became a sort of big sister to all the other children there. But as time went on, that lonely hole in her heart got bigger and bigger...so she filled it with what she loved most at the time: anime, manga, and anything from Japan. However, what she didn't know at the time was that in her there was a beast just waiting to get out. And one night when she was a grown woman, under the light of the half moon, she vanished into a forest, the beastly nature within finally having woken up and sent her on a rampage. She hadn't killed anyone, but when she woke up and returned the next morning, she knew something was different, and it was time for her to finally leave the only home she ever knew.

As she looked for answers, she found them in the form of a small group of people, all of them like her. Werewolves. They knew what she was and offered for her to join them. A purpose in life. She accepted and underwent their trials to become one of them. When she came out of that crucible, she'd gained a better understanding of her new power, and decided to take on a new name: Kaguya Kazeuoka. (The last name roughly meaning "wind-walker", for her swiftness). She became a sort of mediator and judge for the group, while also giving out her own practical advice to others who will listen.

Kaguya got a new task in life: to hunt down Spirits, animist beings spawned from concepts, ideas, things, animals, and more, that wished to prey on the world of the flesh. She and the other werewolves like her were meant to keep balance and safeguard humanity. But at the same time she was tasked with making sure the humans didn't overstep their limits, didn't cause havoc in their meddling.

In time though, she even found love, becoming smitten with another werewolf in her group, a gentle giant named Louis. But one question still kicked in the back of her mind. Who were her parents, and why was she abandoned?