


2 years, 8 months ago


Name: Alpha (code name)

Series: Animals

Age: ????

Gender: Male (he/him/himself)

Species: Nymphian

Favorite Food: Shrimp pasta

Element: Water

Powers: Various water attacks, shining beam, can breath under water, etc (more to add later)

Catch Phrase: "We are The Sharks! Aka the greatest resistance group on Nymphian!"

Likes: His friends, feeling important, noodle dishes, being in charge, and sunny days.

Dislikes: Being doubted or ignored, being asked if he knows what a shark actually is, suggesting that anyone else (other than Nemmy) should be the leader of the group, and rain.

Personality: Alpha has a  onfident and brave demeanor. He's very quick to happily declare his plans for his resistance group or proclaim that they're the greatest. He seems to believe that Glades is truly afraid of him and his group, but that couldn't be further form the truth. He thinks that sharks sound cool, but he doesn't actually know what they look like. His memory is a bit foggy due to Glades erasing his memories a few times, but he is not aware of this.

Home: Nymphia

History: Alpha was born and raised on Nymphia, and was shocked by the violent transmission of power that took place one day. Unlike most of the residents of the planet, Alpha decided to form a resistance group against Glades, but only managed four members (including himself). Despite this, Alpha remained positive that one day they could make change. He named the group "The Sharks" despite not actually knowing what a shark is. The name "Alpha" is actually a code name he took up for his resistance group, and his real name is unknown. The heroes encounter Alpha and his group late into the story, and they are not impressed.

Current-Bio: Alpha is currently the leader of The Sharks, a resistance group against Glades. He supposedly has a rival resistance group against him called "The Scorpions", but they are never seen. He thinks that Glades views him as a great threat, but in reality she barely notices him or his group due to their sheer harmlessness. However, it appears that whenever they do get close in starting a larger movement, Glades just erases their memory...

Meta-History: I can't actually pinpoint Alpha's exact creation year, but I'd say sometime in high school. His creature origin is the same as Nemmy's, but the rest of his information has other inspirations. The name for the resistance group, "The Sharks" was taken from Earthbound, mainly because I thought it sounded cool, but I also thought it would be funny if an alien picked a random creature for its mascot without knowing what it is. The idea for the resistance group could come from several things, but during the time that I was creating Alpha and the others I was also working on my Red Witch story, which features a sort-of resistance group of witches as part of the main characters. While the group in the Red Witch is meant to be serious, the one in Animals was more or less designed to be silly. I guess I just wanted to see what would come from either option.

Relationships with Other Characters:

Glades: Alpha thinks that he and his resistance group make Glades scared. In reality, she barely notices them due to how harmless they are.

Nemmy: Alpha wants Nemmy to join the resistance group, but Nemmy isn't very interested.

Beta: Alpha and Beta get along well due to both being cheerful and friendly.

Delta: Alpha and Delta are good friends. Alpha wants to help Delta get more confidence.

Omega: Alpha and Omega get along well, somehow.

If I think of anything else I'll add it later.