


2 years, 8 months ago


Name: Beta (code name)

Series: Animals

Age: ????

Gender: Female (she/her/herself)

Species: Nymphian

Favorite Food: Grilled Salmon

Element: Water

Powers: Various water attacks, shining beam, can breath under water, etc (more to add later)

Catch Phrase: "I love the smell of fresh concrete."

Likes: Concrete, bandanas, positive thinking, doing cool poses, crossword puzzles, and savory foods.

Dislikes: Negative thinking, sour foods, desert environments, dark magic, and drills.

Personality: Beta is known for her strong sense of positivity even in the worst of situations. This is best seen when a dark magic spell leaves her blind, as she manages to keep a cheerful attitude despite her situation. She loves cheering on others, but sometimes goes a bit overboard. Her memory is a bit foggy due to Glades erasing her memories a few times, but she is not aware of this. She has a strange obsession with concrete.

Home: Nymphia

History: Beta was born and raised on Nymphia, and was shocked by the violent transmission of power that took place one day. Inspired to make change, she joined the resistance group known as "The Sharks". The name "Beta" is actually a code name she took up for the resistance group, and her real name is unknown. The heroes encounter Beta and the resistance group late into the story, and they are not impressed. Not long after meeting the heroes, a dark magic spell leaves Beta blind.

Current-Bio: Beta is currently a member of the resistance group called The Sharks. While a dark magic spell has caused her to go blind, Beta remains positive that they can make change. Similarly to the other members of The Sharks, Glades has erased her memory a few times.

Meta-History: Beta shares her creature origins with Nemmy and her resistance group origins with Alpha. I've certain her magic-induced blindness was inspired by something, but I can't quite remember what. I'm guessing it could have been inspired by status effects in RPGs that cause blindness, but I can't think of a specific example. Her love of concrete, however, was just a random trait I gave her.

Relationships with Other Characters:

Glades: Beta truly believes that they stand a chance against Glades, but Glades barely notices.

Alpha: Beta and Alpha are very good friends due to their cheerful personalities.

Delta: Beta and Delta are good friends. Beta wants to get Delta outside more.

Omega: Beta don't always get along with Omega since he's pretty weird.

If I think of anything else I'll add it later.