


2 years, 8 months ago



26 | 5'1" | ??? | Fae Blood


Seductive - Sinister - Quick-witted - Mischievous

A trickster at heart, D'Andria leans hard on the whole "not being what she seems" aspect. During the day she may be seen pickpocketing and committing petty theft, at night she roams about, selling her body to those willing to pay the money. Her words in it of themselves are often half-truths or lies, and she's not apologizing for any of it. She might be more honest around friends, but she's not making a lot of those with how much she deceives, backstabs or otherwise sabotages other people.


It is nigh impossible to get any info about her past, as there are several contradicting stories about how she could've ended up like this...if you were to ask a random person on the street. According to background checks, she was born poor, and always robbed people of their money. It even came out that she started the business of prostitution at the age of 15, oftentimes lying to men about her age to fool them into just accepting her service. Currently, she's wanted by the authorities on charges of fraud, prostitution, and many others. Catching her, however, is another story...


- As a Fae, she can fly using her fairy wings.

- Illusionary magic: The main weapon of her arsenal, she can trick others by disrupting any of their senses, be it sight, hearing, touch to even taste and smell. This is in part why she's so hard to catch, as she can either trick someone into thinking she wasn't where she was, or hide herself among normal people by making others see her as a different person.

- Sleight of Hand: She a quick pick pocketer, so much so hardly anyone would notice something was gone until she was long gone.


- Friends with Mona Lisa, the succubus, and Hogliff, the bartender of The Owl Perch.

- Claims to have hit on every single one of the Toledo Cops at least once...How valid the her claim is cannot be determined, though.