


2 years, 8 months ago



--> Profile

Baalphetan is a Seldnac'Rae scholar who travels across the land of Arbalednac for texts and writings in order to study the information within them. They were born to a Vargkin mother and a Grimalkin father and enjoyed travelling alongside them as the family frequently moved from place to place.

Wherever they went, there was a history and culture that was completely different to that region, with Baalphetan using his rudimentary time magic to slow down time simply to admire the place he is in before he eventually has to leave again. This has led to them having an immense craving to understand the world around them as every place he went to had a story to tell that they believe deserves to be known across the land.

Currently, he can be found spending his days digging around in old crypts and archives to uncover untranslated texts that have been long forgotten to time and having them written down to be studied by others. Although he loves reading, they can't write on their own and sometimes takes up assistants with thumbworkers to do the writing even though he doesn't particularly enjoy having to rely on strangers to finish his work.

Though he doesn't have any thumbworkers of his own, he loves to read the books from their world and would go far and wide to see if anyone has a copy of one that's especially rare or valuable. He is especially fond of grimoires that talk about summoning angels and demons. As much as he wishes to summon these demons he has read so much about, he knows that doing so could bring along calamities that he would never wish onto anyone and instead chooses to keep notes on the spells and demons he is most fond of.

The one he usually finds texts about are of Lucifer, who seems to act as the lead demon from what he has studied, though he doesn't have much interest in him in particular as his stories and different names all seem too confusing and messy for him to want to decipher. The demon he finds himself most interesting is Asmodeus, as his main trait was something Baalphetan has no desire for in the first place, lust. In particular, the stories of Asmodeus and Solomon have always intrigued him and hopes to one day collect enough texts to have them written down and be shared to everyone else.

Although Baalphetan holds a lot of knowledge about places all over Arbalednac, she doesn't wish to travel to other worlds with portal magic because of a believed "curse" that she has. Any time she takes in anyone as a student, they always seem to end up in the same fate. At first, the student would be more than happy to study under someone with such vast amounts of knowledge and will diligently work to bring their ideas to life. Eventually though, the student will become sluggish and lazy and will eventually no longer wish to work while under Baalphetan's teachings. If the student were to leave, which happens in every case, then they will get their energy back but are now more wary of what Baalphetan can bring upon them.

Baalphetan herself has no idea why this is and believes that it's a curse laid upon her after angering someone when she was younger or even a god who doesn't approve of her very existence.



Ancient Ruins
Spell Books


Large Crowds


--> Fun Facts/Notes

Inspiration: Baalphetan's design is mainly based on the demon of sloth Belphegor, specifically the number Belphegor's prime (1000000000000066600000000000001) which is a palindromic prime number. It is made up of 13 zeroes on each side, the number 666 in the middle, and has 31 digits in length (which is 13 reversed). The number can be found wrapped around Baalphetan’s body with the 1’s at the edge and a string of 0’s connecting the back to the front with the number 666 on the chest. The symbol for Belphegor’s prime (an upside down pi symbol) can also be found on Baal’s face and his symbol.

Color Aversion/Inclination: Baalphetan finds itself favoring and disfavoring certain colors to the point of organizing it's life to make sure it minimizes the colors they don't like and maximizes the colors it does like. The color it is most aversed to is blue and often will not carry around anything colored blue and refuses to accept any blue glowstones. The color it is most inclined to is green and purple and purposefully goes out to find books with covers with those colors. Outside of these colors, Baal has no preference.

Spiky, not Soft: The tip of Baalphetan's tail might look super fluffy and pettable, but be warned that this is not the case. The fur on the tip of the tail is stiff and bristly with dirt and thorns getting caught in it frequently. If you want to pet the tail, you will have to only pet it one-way as if you go the other way, you risk getting a handful of pricks. Don't worry though, as the rest of Baalphetan's fur is extremely soft and is safe to pet whichever way!

Symbol of Baal, Sin of Procrastinationt: The symbol shown on Baalphetan’s character sheet is actually a logo he uses to brand any literary works he has contributed to like story books of tales he’s heard on his travels. To others who have studied under him, however, this is a marking that seals your fate into slowly falling into the sin of sloth until you’ve lost your ambition to work. Thankfully, the works that Baalphetan has written don’t affect the readers like this, but people are still wary whenever they see that symbol in the contributors and works cited section.











Mid 30's


Seldnac Hybrid






Time Magic,Anti-Magic,Possession,

Doppelgangers, Shadows, Immortality



Easy-to-Read Version

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