Esther Lockheart



2 years, 8 months ago




There is no worse death than the end of hope

Generous . Dreamy . Vulnerable



Esther Aisling Lockheart
Esther | Es
Young Adult / 28 yrs
Birth Season
Greywicke | The Capital
She / Her
Magic Source
Veteran Acolyte

Esther is a lively woman with aspirations that extend beyond her scope of ability. While her body struggles to keep up with her from time to time, she has a hopeful outlook on the remainder of her life that inspires many around her to take every day one day at a time. Often found in the local little church just on the edge of the village of Greywicke, she is responsible for transcribing and illustrating many of the church texts to be more digestable for the commonfolk who may not be so inclined to reading.


Lean and a touch frail
Hazelnut brown
Hair color
Wine red
Hair style
Wavy bob that cuts across the brow with bangs
Friendly and spirted
  • Esther lost her right leg from about mid-thigh down due to a childhood illness that still plagues her to this day.
  • Prone to getting cold, Esther often wears pleny of extra layers, especially in the wintertime. She becomes marshmallow.
  • ...
  • ...



Esther, having grown up in a little impoverished village in the middle of buttfuck nowhere has put a bit emphasis on the importance of being generous. With only the people around you and your own two hands to make your life functioning, it takes a village, literally and giving to your neighbors is the only way everyone'll make it through the winter in one peice. With her life being boiled down to what she can experience within the confines and in line of sight of her church, Esther has developed a very colorful personality to combat the dreary boring days. Having lived a difficult life has taught her the importance of being mature and working through one's problems. There isn't a minute of one's life that should be wasted being immature and putting off dealing with issues.

With only the view outside of her window to occupy her on dreary days, Esther often gets drawn into her dreamy headspace, thinking about all the places she wants to see and go. While it's a nice distraction, it sometimes makes it difficult for her to focus, especially on days where her illness flares. Wether because of her convition not to let life get the better of her or if it's just out of spite of being told 'no', Esther is a wickedly stubborn woman. Once she's set her mind in one way, she's determined to see it through regardless of what anyone may say.

Having only dealt with those in her local community from birth to present, she is a bit naive to the workings of the outside world. This leaves her vulnerable to outside influence, both physically and emotionally. She can read and write stories for days, but it will always be exaggerations and retellings of the stories and fables she's spent most of her adulthood copying down. Her over-imaginative thinking can sometimes lead her to overthink, overestimate or straight up 'run' in the wrong direction if something happens she's unprepared for. Bears? in the woods? Of course they're going to be EVERYWHERE. Because of the circumstances of her upbringing, Esther is very dependent. While she may depend on help to alleviate the worst of her illness, the dependence really exsists more in the human aspect of it. Esther has a hard time being alone for indefinate periods, as her imagination will feed on her insecurity and eat away from the edges until her confidence has withered away. While she has made peace with the inevitablity of death, she doesn't want to be alone when it happens.

Positive Traits

  • Generous
  • Colorful
  • Mature

Neutral Traits

  • Dreamy
  • Stubborn

Negative Traits

  • Vulnerable
  • Dependent
  • Over-Imaginative


Total Points

[ Lady Luck || Team Buffing Ability]

> Esther, against all odds has cheated death many times- and she doesn't mind playing dirty to keep from gambling too close to those pearly gates. She places all her eggs in a basket and entrusts it to someone else.
> Once per turn, instead of attacking, Esther may choose a teammate to buff and give advantage/assist on their next action.

> She must roll a constitiution check whenever the teammate makes use of her buff and the action fails.
> On a failed con check, (rolling below 8) she will lose 1 HP (on a crit failure, it will be 2). She may use her ability as many times as her HP will allow.
> Upon hitting 0 HP, she must roll 1d100 to determine the level of exhaustion.

When in an encounter, Esther may forgo her turn entirely to give a teammate advantage on their turn. If their attack/action fails to hit/succeed, Esther must make a con check for 'exerting' herself in support. She may use the ability as many times as her HP allows, but upon hitting 0 HP will fall unconcious/make death saves. Once out of combat,if stabilized, she must roll 1d100 to determine level of exhaustion. Rolling anything below 25 grants her disadvantage until she can roll over 25, and anything below 5 causes her illness to flare up.



Saving Throw--




Saving Throw--

[Locked description]



Saving Throw--




Saving Throw--



Summary of History

Born to a couple of country peasants in a little town called Greywicke, Esther was a miracle child to say the least. The couple had been trying for a decade with no success and when they had brought their little baby into the world, all was well. For the most part at least, the first few years were flawless- she had loving supportive parents, devout to their local church and faithful to the community. It really couldn't have been better, and then that's when her health began to decline at five years old.

Growing increasingly sick, there was a time where they thought she was going to pass in the night, but the constant prayers and trips to visit the church and the priestesses there seemed to buy the little child some more time. Esther over the course of the summer was able to make a nearly complete recovery. The illness that followed her wouldn't resurface until two years later, where it came on slower but struck with a vengeance. It took her leg in the process- leaving her affected permanently. The missing leg only seemed to aggrivate the illness more- but it never crushed her spirits. She always asked her father or mother to read her the books they had bought for her. She would get better. She got better once before, she'd do it again, she was certain.

Esther's parents weren't prepared to care for a child like her. They didn't have the resources, or time, when they were laboring day in and day out to ensure they had food on the table at the end of the day there was no time to devote to a child who had needs more than they could care for. It was a hard decsision, they hadn't enought money to hire a doctor to come all the way out, and the priestesses could only do so much.

Eventually, Esther's condition deteriorated. So quickly that it was going to take a miracle to save her- Her mother couldn't bear to be around her ailing and isolated child. Word eventually reached her brother, who worked with the church more intimately as a cleric and he offered to bring her in. Donnovan, her uncle by blood and in faith brought her to the Monastery he worked for and saw to it that they put everything they could do to help. From prayer to ritual, he would try it all. There had to be a cure somewhere.

Eventually something switched just right, and she began to make her recovery for a second time.

This pattern of intense illness to several years of recovery continued into her adolesence and well into adulthood. It made it extremely difficult when she was studying to be a priestess, as an Acolyte it required twelve compounding years of study that she just couldn't maintain. Not when she was bedridden and hardly lucid for months at a time. But, she perservered. She studied in every way she could, read every moment she could manage and practiced everything preached to her.

It wasn't until she was twenty three that the first glimmer of true hope showed up. It came as a freshly anointed cleric, clad in brilliant iron armor- he was kind and respectable... And quite frankly a bit odd. But, the letter that came with him signed by her uncle, Donnovan, was a testament to how good this man must've been. Being from a church in the sticks, clerics don't come by often, so to say that she was starstruck would've been an understatement.

Now at twenty eight, she's four years overdue for her assessment. It's all she's ever wanted... Well that's not true, but it's important to her. She's happy now that she's been able to keep on her feet for several years, but a lingering feeling shadows her- a fear that the next time could be the last. There's just so much more that she wants to do. Jojo had done well to keep the village bunkered down, protected when it needed to be, and every day she counts her blessings from top to bottom.

One day at a time. She promises herself- but every day is another day closer to fulfilling something new on her bucket list.