Mary-Ann Cerulean



2 years, 8 months ago


Mary-Ann Cerulean is a photographer and journalist by trade, working for local New Orleans newspaper The Advocate. She became a Siren/mermaid after a bout with leukemia that she very nearly lost. But now she’s recovered and in the process Drowned and Surfaced into her current state. Now she works to balance both civilization and nature, and prevent humanity’s end by an apocalyptic event known as the Deluge.

She's actually a pretty chill person, calm like the sea. She's very intelligent and very inquisitive, which is what led her to go into journalism to begin with. She's all about knowledge and the truth, and using it to benefit others. She sees what she's become as a second chance to live, and now is doing all she can to help the world. She REALLY prides herself on getting accurate info to people, and isn't happy that she has to hide her true nature and her mission. Like all supernatural beings, she has a Masquerade she keeps up to mortals for a few reasons: firstly, saying outright that the end is coming will get her looked at like she's crazy or whip up people into a panic, and secondly, Sirens are hunted by groups of people known as Flensers for their flesh, which can slow aging, so exposing what they are is not a good idea for their lives.

Like all Sirens, she possesses the ability to use Verses, magical music that can effect various things, concepts, and people depending on the Opuses used, and also has access to the Trace, an ability to see into an object's past or future, invaluable in her efforts to cancel the apocalypse. And she is not alone in her quest, as her girlfriend Will is also a Siren like herself, but distance can get in the way of their relationship at times. Just do not try to manipulate the truth to control or harmfully deceive people, she hates bad journalists.