
2 years, 9 months ago


Nym/Withering Night

~ Female

Super powers ~ Body transmutation, Vitality absorption, superhuman strength and speed 

Bedroom ~ locks and traps useful tools & music. But it draws dangerous attention, Difficult to access.

Their sanctuary is their bedroom in their house. Her house is very trapped and locked, so it is difficult for others to get in. Also the music plays very loudly.

• When did they first learn of their doom?

When they were a young child their parents mysteriously vanished, they then made a deal with Aldrath for their power, little did they know Aldrath was an evil demon and now Nym is doomed.
They played mario kart it was quite a betrayal.

Aldrath betrayed them, they gave her powers, but they did not mention the whole doom thing. Also they have a nagging feeling that if Aldrath is defeated, they will return to normal.

• Who, outside of the team, is crucial to defeating Aldrath?

Their pet cat Dahlia they are very cute, and Aldrath fears kittys.