
2 years, 8 months ago

Basic Info

Full Name:



Male (he/him)


late teens / early 20s





Creation Date:

September 23rd 2021


A young demon trying to survive in a reality storm with his best friend, Rye. To the best of his knowledge, Basil is the only survivor of his kind - at the very least out of those who were thrown into the storm, but the memory of his homeworld crumbling before might of the storm doesn't exactly instill high hopes. Despite begrudgingly considering it his new home, Patchwork is not a hospitable place in the least, and Basil is the brawn between him and Rye while they try to make ends meet.

After his reality crashed into Patchwork directly into a bloody, unbalanced fight with bandits, Basil fully planned to lay down in his grave and hibernate to death until Rye dug him up. After a momentary, uh, misunderstanding the two of them came to an accord and began traveling together.

rye entirely intends to betray basil and sell him out to bandits but they grow close - basil is extremely earnest and loyal. things are set too far in motion and rye admits it and they have to fight their way out together; now theyre absolute ride-or-dies.

Serious, loyal. comes from a militaristic culture background, with very rigid rank enforcement. His axe is very important to him, possibly some kind of soul weapon or something like that

Social Connections

Rye - best friend. Rye's found him a place in the world again and now they face it together

World Context

Patchwork lore coming soon?

> none yet

> poor or outright lost sight in his left eye due to an old injury
> axe is possibly some kinda soul weapon?

> Able to turn to "stone" to hibernate
> adults of his species can turn enemies to stone like basilisks?

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Primary Notes
> Claws are an extension of his fingers, there is no clear start or end to them
> Stripe shapes are not exact just go for it
> Waist wings have hooked claws at the wrist
> Thick lizard tail, only the tip is particularly flexible
> Tail spines stop midway down, with one extra patch pointing backwards at the tip

> Carries his axe at all times; often has it hooked onto the strap over his back

Other Stuff
> Tall, gangly teen; physically a nymph stage of his species
> Mouth cannot actually open all the way to his ears; it will eventually develop a second hinge that allows this to happen properly. in the meantime there's just a seam there and he can crack it open slightly when snarling

A little on the serious side, but fiercely loyal to Rye and his slyer, prankster personality rubs off on Basil. Very aware he's scary and happy to prove it when necessary.