


2 years, 8 months ago


Name: Delta (code name)

Series: Animals

Age: ????

Gender: Female (she/her/herself)

Species: Nymphian

Favorite Food: Grilled Halibut

Element: Water

Powers: Various water attacks, shining beam, can breath under water, etc (more to add later)

Catch Phrase: "I'm staying inside where it's safe..."

Likes: Not being seen, junk foods, staying inside, sappy movies with happy endings, shoes, and calm music.

Dislikes: Being outside, being seen by others, Glades, scary stories, loud noises, and super sweet foods.

Personality: Delta is very shy and withdrawn, so much so that she rarely comes out of her room. Before Glades became emperor, Delta was much more confident and outgoing, but these days she's scared at the slightest sound. Despite this, she does have some hope that she and the others could make a difference. Her memory is a bit foggy due to Glades erasing her memories a few times, but she is not aware of this.

Home: Nymphia

History: Delta was born and raised on Nymphia, and was shocked by the violent transmission of power that took place one day. Delta wanted to hide during all the chaos, but was somehow convinced to join a resistance group called "The Sharks. The name "Delta" is actually a code name she took up for the resistance group, and her real name is unknown. The heroes encounter Delta and the resistance group late into the story, and they are not impressed.

Current-Bio: Delta is currently a member of the resistance group called The Sharks. Delta is rarely seen due to being a shut-in and usually communicates through speaking behind her door and sending notes. Similarly to the other members of The Sharks, Glades has erased her memory a few times.

Meta-History: Delta shares her creature origins with Nemmy and her resistance group origins with Alpha. Her being a shut-in was inspired by a character in Princess Jellyfish who lives in the main residence of the setting but is never seen. However, Delta is definitely more present in the story than that character. Also I meant for her to be greenish and Alpha to be blueish but I didn't remember this until I was done drawing them both so I guess their official colors have changed because of my forgetfulness.

Relationships with Other Characters:

Glades: Delta is very afraid of Glades and doesn't want to meet her.

Alpha: Delta admires Alpha's confidence, but wishes he'd calm down a little.

Beta: Delta and Beta are good friends, but Delta sometimes finds Beta to be too positive.

Omega: Delta is friends with Omega, but finds him weird.

If I think of anything else I'll add it later.