Free Mystery Designs



2 years, 8 months ago


(closed cause I lost motivation-)

Okay so none of these ever sold when I had them up for sale, understandably, so I'm switching this to free mystery designs. Comment telling which number you want (all the images have numbers in their descriptions) and if I feel up to it I'll make a design for you. These are just for fun, I have owed art that takes priority over these. Please don't get mad if I don't make one for you :( 

Okay so uhm, it seems like a lot of people want some of the same ones, so instead of only allowing one person to claim a prompt/image, anybody can ask for a design based on any of the prompts! I'll me them all as unique as I can so you aren't all getting super similar Characters.

If I get tired of coming up with Designs for a certain prompt I'll delete it and replace it with a new one.

These will most likely just be sketches, maybe colored sketches. If I give you an uncolored sketch, you have my permission to color it yourself as long you still give me credit for the lines (credit yourself for the color of course). HOWEVER I DO NOT give anybody permission to finish the sketch, which means don't trace over my lines, erase lines to make it "cleaner", or add lines. If you want something on it changed draw it yourself, commission somebody else to draw a new version, or you can commission me to finish and edit the lines :)

bfgregr this got a lot of comments really fast lol, I'll be responding to everyone in the morning, it's really late here and I need to sleep