


2 years, 8 months ago


Name: Omega (code name)

Series: Animals

Age: ????

Gender: Male (he/him/himself)

Species: Nymphian

Favorite Food: Jelly Beans

Element: Water

Powers: Various water attacks, shining beam, can breath under water, etc (more to add later)

Catch Phrase: "Do you even think about ____?"

Likes: Deep thinking, asking whatever is on his mind, playing games, candy, questioning things that no one else does, and soft clouds.

Dislikes: Not knowing the answers to his questions.

Personality: idk there's something wrong with him.

(okay fine) Omega tends to have his head in the clouds. While his friends are usually thinking of ideas for their resistance group, Omega will be pondering why some greens are greener than other greens, or why strawberries are called strawberries when they don't have straws. He'll often interrupt the conversation to ask his latest question of the week. According to Omega himself, he's a very deep thinker. His memory is a bit foggy due to Glades erasing his memories a few times, but he is not aware of this.

Home: Nymphia

History: Omega was born and raised on Nymphia. Unlike the others, Omega didn't initially know about Glades's takeover as emperor and instead thought that The Sharks were just a random club. Despite, he's still happily a member of the resistance. The name "Omega" is actually a code name he took up for the resistance group, and his real name is unknown. The heroes encounter Omega and the resistance group late into the story, and they are not impressed.

Current-Bio: Omega is currently a member of the resistance group called The Sharks. He's known to have a strange thought process. Similarly to the other members of The Sharks, Glades has erased his memory a few times.

Meta-History: Omega shares his creature origins with Nemmy and his resistance group origins with Alpha. I don't really have much else to say about him other than that I messed his and Delta colors up.

Relationships with Other Characters:

Glades: Omega sometimes forgets who Glades is. He knows she's the person they're fighting against, but otherwise he tends to forget the main details about her.

Alpha: Omega and Alpha get along very well.

Beta: Omega likes to ramble off random trivia to Beta, usually to her annoyance.

Delta: Omega gets along with Delta.

If I think of anything else I'll add it later.