


2 years, 8 months ago


given description:

Name Ideas - Kimbu, Dawn, Dreamcatcher, Hibiscus.
Gender - I imagine as Male.
Tribes - 50% Night, 50% Rain
Abilities  - Prehensile tail, can breathe a small amount of fire, relatively a good climber, slight mind-reading abilities.
Family - Starkeeper (Nightwing Mother), Berry (Rainwing Father).
Location- Probably the Rainforest, sometime after the Nightwing Exodus.
Personality - He is very shy, jumping at most sudden sounds. He loves to spend time by himself, in the jungle planting/picking berries.
Backstory Ideas - Kimbu was born on a full moon, but their egg was slightly in the shade of the trees so he wasn’t able to get the fullest of power. He can’t control his mind reading, and it’s focus will switch from dragon to dragon, much to Kimbu’s dismay. He can’t turn it one or off’ and even if there were a dragon he wanted to mind-read, it would be up to his powers so decide if they wanted to work.
    His mother, Starkeeper, is very protective of Kimbu. His father, Berry, does truly love Starkeeper but Kimbu has heard that Berry doesn’t know what to do around kids and doesn’t much like them. Nonetheless, Berry tries to be a good dad(mainly to appease Starkeeper as Kimbu’s found out), showing Kimbu all the best ‘sunning’ spots and where the best fruit grows. Kimbu loves to try and grow his own fruits and produce, although there are sometimes a few Rainwings who still dont understand that the plants and fruits are his.
    Kimbu’s has always liked hanging with Nightwings though, he finds their energy a lot less chaotic.
Other - I imagine their back half is a lot more ‘Rainwing. Probably have long Rainwing claws as well. He loves berries and tries to grow them.