


2 years, 7 months ago


~Undertale Incarnation~

🟣Royal Maid

⚫Has been the maid for years 

⚪Witnessed the events with the royal family first hand

🟣Commonly babysat Asriel and was very effected by his death and the aftermath, and was also greatly effected by the death of the human 

⚫Stuck with the king after the tragedy, and is still the maid when Frisk/Chara falls 

⚪Has a very stoic, stubborn, and grumpy personality, often being very harsh and unafraid to speak her mind. She's always been a but harsh even before the tragedy, but it only got worse after it

🟣Boss battle appears in all routes, taking place either before Asgore or Sans

⚫Is similar to Nanastasia from Super Paper Mario and Maria from Mad Father 

⚪Has a special connection and relationship to Asgore, but it is unclear if it's a very strong platonic relationship, or a one-sided romantic relationship


~Deltarune Incarnation~

🟣Is only seen in the light world

🟢Childhood babysitter of Kris and Asriel 

⚪Same personality as before, just a lot less harsh and a bit less stubborn, mostly being on the grumpy and tired side 

🟣Works as an apprentice at Asgore's flower shop, mostly tending to a few flowers, to customers looking for flowers, and cleaning after close 

🟢Is seen helping Asgore through his divorce

⚪Not in a lot of cutscenes, mostly is talked to through optional dialogue usually at the shop or outside