
6 years, 9 months ago

Basic Info

Full Name:

Caspian Corsair


Male (he/him)


Ace, perhaps not aro






Luts SSDF Avalanche


They Call Us Giants

Creation Date:

April 26th 2016

Arrival & Birthday:

September 13th 2016 // February 12th 2011


Caspian lives in a fairy tale world where anomalies like himself are not uncommon - they are the "main characters" of their own stories, and it's to be expected that they may not be the same once their tale is completed. Unfortunately for Caspian, he cannot register his MC status, as he recalls none of his childhood, only being out and on his own. For now, he wanders, trying to track down any trace of who he used to be and where he came from, to very little success.

Caspian seemed like a normal kid, but didn't stop growing when his peers did. Now he towers above everyone else and his growth spurt finally seems to be coming to a stop, much to his relief - he already has a very hard time even going indoors. Caspian tries to shrug it off but it's clear he's insecure about it. Giants are a real monster in their world, and without being registered as an MC, Caspian is constantly denied access to towns and given sidelong glances and plenty of hassle.

During his travels, Caspian encounters a living, disembodied head by the name of Rowe while inspecting a ruined temple in the futile hope he'll find some clues. Although suspicious at first, Caspian comes to the realization that Rowe is to scale with himself, not a normal person, and ends up taking him along. Little does he realize this will turn into a whirlwind tour of his past.

Caspian is a softspoken, considerate young man, though his sassy side comes out when he's comfortable with those around him. He can be shy and it takes a lot to get him riled up - unfortunately, the same can't be said for making him upset. Despite this, he is a natural leader thanks to his strong presence and calm confidence.

Social Connections

Rowe - beloved traveling companion and childhood friend. Crush?? he isnt sure
Drake - traveling companion and younger cousin
Lance - traveling companion and childhood friend
Adora - little sister. deceased, but at least he doesnt remember

World Context

Lore coming eventually?

> 9' 7"
> left-handed

> He and Rowe aren't actually dating but..... yknow
> tends to "t-rex" with his arms when he gets lost in thought and isn't paying attention

> none of note yet

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Primary Notes
> eyebrows have 3 little angley lines drawn in them near the bridge of his nose
> VERY pointy long nose

> wide-collared shirt
> usually shoves his sleeves up his arms because rolling them is effort but he doesnt like long sleeves
> optional useless belt for aesthetic purposes (technically its for a sword)

Other Stuff
> the skinniest, leggiest man you've ever met. he's mostly joints and ligaments really
> terrible posture

He and Rowe aren't actually dating but...... yknow.