Caspian's Comments

> eyebrows have 3 little angley lines drawn in them near the bridge of his nose
> VERY pointy long nose

> wide-collared shirt
> usually shoves his sleeves up his arms because rolling them is effort but he doesnt like long sleeves
> optional useless belt for aesthetic purposes (technically its for a sword)

> bangs curl upwards and there's more hair on the one side
> ponytail always has two little tips instead of one (and is as long as is convenient for composition)
> wedge-shaped, big eyebrows (theyre kinda short tho)

> tank top has a square collar, space shirt has a v-neck
> baggy-crotch, plain black sweatpants are good for pants
> optional hoodie
> optional black bracelet

Other stuff!!
> Rowe comes up to Caspian's eyes/nose, ish
> Rowe's necklace pendant is a little bigger than Casp's, and the chain is chunkier
> They're not actually dating but............... yknow

Rowe is an exuberant socialite, Caspian is reserved and witty.