Jiangran "Ran" Li



2 years, 7 months ago


Jiangran "Ran" Li


Age 13

Pronouns she/her

Hometown Verdanturf Town

Region Hoenn

Occupation Pokemon Trainer


Ran is the youngest of three children. On her fourth birthday her oldest brother gives her an egg that later hatches into her first Pokemon, a Mudkip.

Later on she accompanies one of her brothers on a trip to Johto and decides to break off and travel the region herself against her mother's wishes. Her mother only relents after Ran agrees to take along her mother's Vaporeon (Spirit) as part of her team. Defeat after defeat eventually causes Ran to doubt herself as a trainer. Disappointed and disillusioned, Ran leaves Johto, something she always refers to as the lowest point of her trainer career.

When Ran reaches Hoenn, she and her team pass by Meteor Falls where Ran catches a Bagon. For her, this is a giant turnaround--it confirms that she can, in fact, be a trainer. She starts anew in Hoenn and travels the circuit, eventually traveling to other regions across the world.


Ran is bright, carefree, happy-go-lucky, and filled with boundless energy that she passes on to her team. She is stubborn, spontaneous, reckless, terrible with reading a map (though she pretends like she knows what she's doing) and is prone to flying by the seat of her pants. Her battling style relies more heavily on attack and speed than defense.


  • adventure
  • new things
  • spicy food


  • staying still
  • waiting in line
  • sour food


Ran was born and raised in Verdanturf Town. She had a happy childhood growing up, especially once Mr. Froggy was born. Ran and Mr. Froggy's curiosity was bound only by the limits of the town they grew up in - they frequented the Contest Hall to see Pokemon Trainers and their Pokemon perform, they explored along the nearby routes whenever possible, and they tried sneaking away to Rusturf Tunnel multiple times (and would always get caught). 

Ran was born and raised in Verdanturf Town. She had a happy childhood growing up, especially once Mr. Froggy was born. Ran and Mr. Froggy's curiosity knew no bounds, limited only by the confines of the town they grew up in - they frequented the Contest Hall to see Pokémon Trainers and their Pokémon perform, they explored the nearby routes whenever possible, and they attempted to sneak away to Rusturf Tunnel multiple times (and were always caught).

As the youngest in the family, Ran watched both of her brothers go off on their adventures before her. She would often talk about her dreams of becoming a trainer as well. Given Ran's propensity for getting lost and recklessness, Ran's mother did not allow her to become a pokemon trainer until age 12.

Ran later marries Koki, and they have three kids: Mamoru, Junichi (Jun), and Chiharu.

Early Teens

While accompanying her brother, Jiangxi, to Johto, Ran decides to sneak off and travel around herself. Ran's parents are furious and not easily convinced to let Ran continue on. Eventually they compromise: Ran can travel by herself, but she must travel with Spirit, her mother's Vaporeon. 

Along her travels, Ran meets Noburu "Nobu" Ide, a fisherman. They become traveling companions and travel through Johto, Hoenn, and eventually Sinnoh together. In Sinnoh, they meet and add two more trainers: Maxelle "Max", and Koki. Eventually their band of four splits into two: Max and Nobu, and Ran and Koki. 

Late Teenage Years

Though they initially are off to a good start, Ran and Koki begin struggling in their journeys together. Ran, having always had a traveling companion, has become reliant on other people guiding the way and being responsible for her. Conversely, Koki has become accustomed to having to wrangle multiple opinions together to form one solid plan that everyone is happy with; thus, Ran finds Koki too rigid and unwilling to deviate from his ideas. She and Koki separate after one too many fights, with Ran acknowledging she has some growing up to do. She and her team venture around on their own for some time, learning to live on their own, before joining up with Jiangxi and his friend, Juliette. 


Ran and Koki reconnect in their early adult years. They reconnect slowly: first catching up if they're in the same city, then purposefully entering the same tournaments or contests, and finally traveling together again. When Koki gets an offer to replace Bertha of Sinnoh's Elite Four, he tells Ran he only wants to go if she will stay by his side and proposes to her. 

Ran and Koki move to Pastoria City, where Ran opens a training center and occasionally substitutes in as the Pastoria Gym Leader. She and Koki have three kids: Mamoru, Jun, and Chiharu, and raise a family there. 


In their later years, after their kids have grown up, Koki and Ran move back to Ran's beloved Hoenn. They retire to Lilycove City and open a Pokemon Daycare, playing host to human and pokemon travelers from all around. 

Frog Li

Relationship: brother

Ran's oldest brother, whom she idolizes and adores. Frog is the one who finds and gifts Ran her first pokemon: a Mudkip. Frog cherishes his sister, almost to the point of spoiling her. However, he has never traveled with Ran because he feels their age difference (seven years) is too much and wants to give Ran a chance to grow into her own person. 

Jiangxi Li

Relationship: Brother

Ran's second oldest brother. As they are closer in age--two years to Ran and Frog's seven--they were closer growing up and consequently, got into more fights and scrabbles. He agreed to let Ran accompany with him to Johto as a favor; Ran sneaking away does damage to their relationship that takes some time to heal. Jiangxi remains angry with her for years, both for scaring him, and because if anything had happened he would have felt responsible. The first few months where Ran joins him and his friend Juliette are contentious.

Koki Hara

Relationship: Boyfriend/Partner

Nunc commodo sodales vehicula. Fusce ut cursus nibh, ut gravida ex. Aenean sed turpis lectus. Praesent placerat nisi dui, at dignissim sem vehicula ut. Proin lorem mauris, blandit eu odio ut, feugiat sagittis urna. Etiam dictum ex in libero maximus, a luctus dolor vulputate. Vestibulum ante ipsum primis in faucibus orci luctus et ultrices posuere cubilia curae; Ut ullamcorper tristique augue, nec aliquet nulla porta quis.


Mr. Froggy 


Mr. Froggy is Ran's partner in crime and lifelong companion. Both of them have similar, fun loving and free spirited personalities, with the same itch to travel the world. The question "if your friend jumped off a bridge, would you do it too?" should never be asked to either of them, because both would follow the other anywhere without hesitation. Like Ran, Mr. Froggy almost never takes anything seriously and has absolutely no sense of direction.
Held Item
Mystic Water



Beacon is shy, sweet, sensitive, and eager to please. She is the first pokemon Ran catches in the Johto region to help balance out Ran's then water-heavy team and was named for the bright bulb on her tail. Like Ran and Mr. Froggy, she is also terrible with directions with an added complication: Beacon is terrified of the dark. Any time she gets lost after sunset, her solution is to hide with her tail lit bright until someone finds her.
Held Item
Metal Coat


Fire Ground

Ran catches Nibbles shortly after catching Rory, though the only two thing the pokemon have in common is their ability to sleep and snore. She earned her nickname after she nibbled a cookie right out of the palm of Ran's hand, one Ran intended to eat herself. Her favorite kind of day is one where she wanders around doing nothing. Though she is quite easy going, once angered her temper is rather explosive.
Held Item
Earth Plate



Extremely competitive and fierce, Rory is Ran's powerhouse pokemon. He enters every fight looking to win and will turn even the smallest thing into a competition if he can. Because of all the energy he spends, he eats the most out of everyone; he also falls asleep at the drop of a hat and snores loudly. Rory is the only one of Ran's pokemon to actually want to participate in beauty contests and he manages to win a decent size amount of ribbons as well.
Rock Head
Held Item
Shell Bell



Hearth is careful, unassuming, and loves gardening. Ran gave him his nickname because he was caught close to Vertandurf, her hometown. Though he is quiet and distinctively unrowdy by nature, he is more than happy to participate in whatever shenanigans the rest of his teammates are up to.
Held Item
Wise Glasses



Spirit is Ran's mother's beloved pokemon. Spirit joins Ran's team when Ran first sets out on her adventure, with the intention of looking out for Ran in her mother's place. Vaporeon is easily exasperated by Ran's antics but takes her job as her guardian to heart. She eventually retires from Ran's team when Ran turns eighteen.
Water Absorb
Held Item


Bump of Chicken