


2 years, 7 months ago


What you gonna do? Punch me?? *Falls down stairs hotly*


Dionysus is your typical drunken hopeless romantic. He's easiest to find around the small bars or trashy nightclubs on the worst of days, otherwise you'd see him at celebrity bars, high class hotels, and fancy gardens.

You can trust him to bring the mood up almost any time. Dionysus is often in charge of hosting important events for the city within Mount Olympus, plus his epic parties for the few adoring fans he still has. Unfortunately, he struggles with people not recognizing him as a member of the Olympians because of the mortality gap between his mother, Semele, and his father, Zeus.


When people think of Dionysus, they think of a party animal and disaster drunk--Which is the absolute truth in a nutshell. He performs stupid stunts, tells stories that totally aren't exagerrated, and hosts massive parties. The man built himself a cult-following long ago, which unfortunately encouraged his egocentric thinking.
Like everyone else, Dionysus can still be an utter snake to people. He has a bad habit of toxic positivity towards others and sees himself more in his own little world. He definitely can be untrustworthy and petty if you wrong him even once, but Dionysus does his best to avoid taking ANYTHING seriously in the first place. A lot of his negative behavior has stemmed from his late mother, absent father, and a caretaker who worked too hard to be there for him in his earlier years.




Dionysus Eleuthereus
Liber, Bacchus
Greek, Roman, English
Pan Poly
December 25
He / Any Pronouns
6'7" (201 cm)
Broad, Muscular


  • Shades of red
  • Fancy pillows
  • Expensive hotels
  • Fine wines
  • Grapes
  • Gardening
  • Traveling
  • Bullfighting
  • Partying
  • Bars
  • Drunk karaoke


  • Anything political
  • Taking things seriously
  • Working long shifts
  • Family reunions
  • Sleeping with the lights on
  • Study groups
  • Awkward first dates
  • Zeus & Hera


  • Mixing drinks
  • Growing grapes
  • Bullfighting
  • Hosting parties
  • Drunkingly recapping movies
  • Collecting varieties of snakes
  • Taking photos of his plants, pets, and parties

Key Relationships

8fQhR8a.png Hermes ✭ ½Brother, Father Figure, BFF

Ever since Dionysus was little he's known Hermes. In fact, he rather looks up to him than anyone else. Hermes always shown him kindness and protected him from the evil of the world. The demi-god definitely picked up on the playful behavior he emanated. On the busiest of days, when Hermes looks overworked and exhausted, Dionysus will care for him above the rest.

wr5jqFi.png Ariadne ♡ Ex-Wife, Awkward Friend

The two had grown a dead bedroom over the long years, which quickly became upsetting for the two of them in different ways. On Dionysus' end, he felt that Ariadne wasn't excited with his presence and grew more scared of what she thought of him. After Ariadne initiated the divorced, Dionysus was pushed down a peg or two with his behavior. They still have a spark, but Ariadne wishes for Dionysus to find another in marriage who would be excited with what he does.

vlw0y9p.png Zeus ⇝ Bio Father, Deadbeat, Mixed Feelings

As per to most his children, Zeus comes off as a deadbeat father. Dionysus really wishes Zeus was around when he was younger, but refuses to acknowledge that to make room for his grudge-holding, petty nature.

2MpHq6b.png Hera ⇝ Hates, Deadbeat's Wife, Restraining Order

Hera has always been trying to harm the bastard children of her husband, and Dionysus was no exception. He understands a little bit but would never forgive Hera even a little bit, especially after the countless times she's attempted to hurt him or even kill him.

NEgv0le.png Apollo ✭ ½Brother, Parallel, Friend

Dionysus and Apollo differ quite a lot, and some expect them to be straight up enemies because of it. However, Dionysus sees this half-brother as one of his closer friends. They have this opposites dynamic that lets their characteristics shine through. Often when in the same room, their interactions can be rather intriguing and making the other, albeit not as interested, try new activities out of their comfort zone. Whether it be Dionysus inviting the prude to a drink, or Apollo pulling the casanova to one of his book clubs.



As per many Greek gods, Dionysus is one of the many children of Zeus. His late mother was Semele, making Dionysus the first Olympian with a mortal mother. Before Dionysus was brought into the world, Hera had convinced Semele to ask Zeus for his divine form. When Semele asked, Zeus delivered, to which the pregnant mortal either died of fright or burnt by the true form--maybe even both. Zeus saved unborn Dionysus, putting him in an incubator-like place until it was time.

Not long after he was born did Zeus hand him off to others for caretaking. This was the young demi-god's first step into the life of madness and chaos. Zeus appointed Silenus, the nymphs of Mount Nysa, and Dionysus' maternal aunt, Ino, and her husband Athamas. Hera, as in many tales featuring Zeus' bastard children, wanted to kill the baby. She drove his first caretakers mad, forcing them to kill their own children and then themselves. This left Dionysus very alone until he landed in the hands of his older half-brother, Hermes, whom he inherited his playful nature from.

Throughout the years after did the demi-god experience being attacked by humans or being disregarded as one of the gods because of his mother's status, which he fought to protect and gain that respect. When he taught Icarius in his art of winemaking, several of the Athens shepherds accussed Dionysus of poisoning them. He accepted that fate and retreated to the constellation Bootes. This was all the while he was one of the few Olympians to show the humans kindness. Sometime after Dionysus left Athens, the Athenians worked on building the Cult of Dionysus with the aid of Pegasos of Eleutherai, who was first informed of the demi-god's previous bad introduction to the people by the Oracle of Delphoi. The cult adored Dionysus, and was filled with men, women--or maemads--and everything in between. Even saytrs, centaurs, and sileni were involved. Festivals were in honor of the demi-god, as he had wished for for so long.

While on his travels through the Aegean sea, Tyrrhenian pirates made an attempt to capture Dionysus and sell him off as a slave. Out of anger, because the only moral here is to NOT enrage a god of chaos, Dionysus casted wild vines and beasts upon the pirates. When they dived overboard their ship to safety, the demi-god turned them into dolphins.

Continuing his trip, Dionysus came across the beautiful princess of Crete, Ariadne. He instantly fell in love with her beauty and chose to kidnap her and pursue her. Soon after did he ask for her hand in marriage, and Ariadne accepted. The ceremony was in the Corona Borealis constellation. Many children and fun times followed suit. But unfortunately for the then sweethearts, tragedy struck. In the middle of a war demi-god Dionysus had with Perseus, the enemy targeted Ariadne with the head of Medusa, reducing her to nothing less than a statue. Dionysus was so distraught that he fled from the fight to arrive to the underworld, where he reunited with his late mother, Semele. Dionysus asked Hades if he may bring the two with him to Olympus, to which the god of the Underworld accepted. Once bringing the two there, Dionysus made sure that his two loved ones became goddesses to be with him forever.

More recently, as in early 2000's, the demi-god has had it pretty rough. His cult had died down quite a bit due to time and trends, leaving him restless. Ariadne and him had grown bored of each other over the many centuries together, and while both continue to be in deep love, she still chose to let him go. She wishes Dionysus to marry someone who will be excited with his presence, mortal or god. This left Dionysus in a sensitive and vulnerable spot today, even if he masks it for the sake of charm and good vibes, he can't forget the hole in his hesrt and longing for Ariadne. In his time alone, the demi-god adopted several snakes, each named after a child that he and Ariadne have had. It's the best way he can be close to them again. Maybe one day they can be together again, but right now they all need a break from the long-time struggle in Mount Olympus caused by the god and goddess of gods.


  • He can blow steam out of his nose akin to a cartoon bull.
  • Dionysus got his snake sleeve tattoo while he was very young.
  • His charm and lapel pin collection is ENORMOUS.
  • Out of the Olympian Family, Dionysus is one of the more modern-esque as he uses a laptop, phone, and a photo camera for his photography.
  • He has six pet snakes that live in his studio apartment;
    Staphylus (Scarlet Snake), Oenopion (Sea Snake), Thaos (King Cobra), Peparethus (Indigo Snake), Euanthes (Gaboon Viper), Phanus (Rattlesnake)