



2165569.1418592195.avatar.png W I N D

== Male - Child - Mortal - Undecided - Too Young - Warrior Jewel ==


Warrior Jewel (U), hair/tuft (C), Floppy Ears (U), Eye Heterochromia (U)


A chronic dreamer, Iro loves nothing more than to draw and paint and think and create - as much and as often as he can. At his age, this generally takes the form of scribbly crayon drawings and messy watercolour paintings. Lately though, he's also been getting into carving soap. This he especially loves! Just so long as nobody mistakenly uses one of his creations to wash their hands... the single time that happened Iro threw the tantrum to end all tantrums and locked himself in the basement for three hours! He only came out - grudgingly - because he needed to pee.

When he's not 'arting', as he likes to call it, he's either running around and playing pretend with his sister, taking care of his pet rocks (Iro has twelve of them, in all shapes, sizes and colours), or sleeping. Yes, sleeping. He can fall asleep just about anywhere, anytime, and will do so if left alone. HE claims it's because he has great dreams and just wants to get back to them. His SISTER claims it's because he's lazy. Meanwhile, Gabe just smiles and shakes his head. As long as Iro is happy, healthy, and wakes up when he needs to, it doesn't much matter to his father.


Listening to his father's stories, cloud watching, oversized sweaters, bright colours, bold patterns, winter, bells, sleeping in sunshine like a cat.

Grows up to be: Weatherman!