Adonis (UFA)



6 years, 8 months ago


1/3 slots



Dystopian AU

- Works for the government as a scientist and an engineer 

- He works most of the year as a scientist (winter, spring, and fall), and summer as an engineer

- He does mutations in biology, mostly on genetics, and how to engineer out diseases + work good traits in

- As an engineer he's basically building more science machines (labs n stuff)

- He's really stressed all the time :/

- His job is kinda soul sucking, but he does a lot of gardening in his apartment that's close by

- His apartment is pretty much a garden, since that's how he keeps himself sane

- He's seen some stuff, poor baby :c

- He doesn't say a lot, and is trying his best to keep it down low

- When he is talking, it's about gardening or silly animal videos he found

- He almost always avoids talking about his job, unless it's his superior officer or a lab partner

- He has a lot of nightmares 

- One day he's assigned to work for a new job

- He's given a file called  W 1 N G S, where the current occupants are listed

- It's just some little girl, around five (Ezohiko)

- He ends up watching her and what she does, going to meetings on what he needs to teach her and what he'll be doing

- They want him to research on her wings

- He says okay, and they give him dif samples

- He ends up doing a lot of different experiments until she's around twelve

- Then he basically ends up raising her, teaching her gardening n life lessons

- He helps her master the system, and is trying to hatch a plan to get her out

- He brings her a lot of stuff from the outside that she has never seen before

- He feels really bad for her, but he's also fascinated by her

- Lowkey reads books on parenting and life advice

Acquaintance Damien:

- One of the interns he can actually deal with

- Usually has him do basic stuff to help him

- When he's being an engineer he usually has him stand by to hold tools or look stuff up

- Sometimes makes small talk, but not often

- Highkey suspicious of him

- About the world:

- A few different nations, really tense peace, but there is bouts of skirmishes every once in a while

- Scrappy, Data, Muerto, and Ezohiko live in the same country

- It has one big mega city capital, with about ten other cities, and very little countryside (near the edges of the cities, there are a few miles of woodlands surrounding them n stuff before you get to the next city)

- Mega capital is called Kartzela

- The govt does a lot of spying on people, very corrupt

- They basically distract the masses with flashy headlines and lots of entertainment/sports

- Control the most of the media and news with hundreds of bots and govt companies

- Different areas in all cities 

- Alpha: The richest part of the city, no crime happens here (police crawling the streets)

- Beta: Most families live here, about sixty to seventy percent in house, other in apartments. Some crime happens here, it depends on where you go (police aren’t everywhere, but they do show up at certain places at certain times)

- Omega: Criminals, runaways, and the poor live here. It’s the outer reaches of the city, and crime is rampant. Most people try to make their living in the woods, but with no cops, it’s a free for all if you live there. Always living in apartments or makeshift houses, police only come by once a month to check on the place.

- Police is usually AI’s, sometimes actually living beings

- The government has programs teaching AI to be cops and training them

- They also have special spy programs

- Big military

- Orphanage run by government, you are raised until you are eighteen, then you work for the govt for the next six years. After that you decide to stay on the job or go elsewhere

- Very futuristic, technology is rampant, with day and night cycles (fake stars basically projected into the sky, and some buildings are robotic)

- Daytime is usually the safest, since the AI’s programmed for day work are generally nicer, while the nighttime AI’s will turn you in without mercy and will treat you roughly

- School is mandatory, learning at least one other language is mandatory as well

-You need high grades if you want to succeed in life