


2 years, 8 months ago


Name decayingembers

Former Names hound

Gender male (he/him)

Romantic aromantic

Orientation asexual

Rank warrior

Residence shadowclan

Playlist here


Decayingembers is a dark brown tom with darker extremities. He has a lighter brown underbelly, with white toes, chin, cheek fur, and tail tip. He has pink skin and two scratch marks on the left side of his muzzle. Decayingembers has bright blue eyes and hyacinths in the crook of his broken tail. He's taller than average, but of average weight, if not slightly underweight. He is roughly 30 centimeters tall. He is incredibly lean but well-muscled, with large paws useful for traversing the mud of ShadowClan territory. His fur is short, with longer fur along his chest and neck, as well as on his cheeks and tail. It's coarse and pointy to the touch.

He smells like pinecones with a slight hint of fresh flowers. His voice is smooth and of average pitch.

Design notes
  • His design is mostly symmetrical, with the occasional scars here and there
  • His tail is broken and has healed in this position, meaning it will not break shape even when raised
  • He has red hydrangea flowers in the crook of his tail. These are optional

ANALYTICAL │Watchful and observant; using logical reasoning

Decayingembers, as a younger cat, was incredibly watchful and observant from the shadows, and he was one to pick up on other's actions and reactions in order to feel like he was more at home within the group. However, now as a fully fledged warrior, he likes to take mental notes as he interacts with others and remember it from later, essentially multitasking and picking up new information as often as possible.

APATHETIC │Showing or feeling no interest, enthusiasm, or concern

Decayingembers lacks a lot of interest, enthusiasm and concern towards those he hasn't connected with long ago. As he finds it incredibly difficult to form a lasting bond with cats, he's essentially stopped trying and doesn't like to force something that wasn't happening within him. However, he still feigns it as much as possible to appear "polite" to those who it matters to.

STOIC │Enduring pain and hardship without showing one's feelings

Someone's always going through something, right? Decayingembers knows how burdensome it is to be relied on, to be expected to care about other cats' issues, that he's opted to keep it to himself and always deal with it on his own. He's better off that way, anyways. He doesn't show any conflicts he's going through if it's not incredibly necessary to the current situation, and he tries to keep at the very least a straight face.

RASH │Acting without careful consideration of consequences

He's incredibly impulsive and doesn't think twice before making a decision that could possibly change his whole life. Whether that be something that he says, does, or even thinks, he doesn't have a proper sense of the consequences that may come in the future and ends up in a lot of bad situations because of that.

VALIANT │Possessing or showing courage or determination

Decayingembers pulls himself into situations that could cause bloodshed or bodily harm with a brave smile, not looking back. He's incredibly determined when he sets his mind to something he's passionate about, and likes to continue trying until he gets his way.

ASSERTIVE │Having or showing a confident and forceful personality

The world may not revolve around him, but he sure thinks that he can get what he works to achieve and with his smooth tongue, it might not just be a thought anymore. Decayingembers likes to butt his opinion in to conversation and always propose his own solution before considering others'.

PERCEPTIVE │Having or showing sensitive insight

Even through his lack of empathy, Decayingembers is incredibly skilled in picking up small details about others' body language, and is able to easily think like they would. He doesn't feel for them, but finds them like things that he can study. He's able to give his insight through small details that he picks up on that others may have missed.

  • The rain and thunderstorms
  • Nighttime, the moon, and the stars
  • Flowers, specifically red ones that stand out
  • Bright, sudden lights, especially car headlights
  • Rushing water, most specifically waterfalls and large rivers
  • (wip)


Herb Knowledge

Faith in StarClan

PRE-CLAN | Decayingembers, before coming to the clans, alongside with his sibling Serpentscream, lived a life up in the mountains to the north of ShadowClan territory. They weren't the most well off -- struggling for food most nights while battling the cold, but it was somewhere they could call home. Something was better than nothing. That was, until everything started to go wrong. On an exploration outside of their den, the four of them -- Decaying, Serpent, and their parents -- were ambushed by a predator. Their parents were quickly picked off by the predator, and in the mix both Decaying and Serpent were injured fairly severely. However, they were alive, and that's what mattered. They were left in the dimly lit spruce forest, suffering from heavy wounds and praying to some higher power to be rescued. Their request was granted, and a cat from ShadowClan noticed both Decaying and Serpent struggling to remain alive across the road. The two of them were picked up and brought back to ShadowClan camp, as they wouldn't survive much longer in the leaf-bare chill. It was a miracle that they were alive, to say the least.





  • Decaying — As a kit he was nicknamed the "decaying kit" due to the terrible condition that he and his sibling were found in. He never really outgrew the nickname, ending up in being named this at his apprentice ceremony
  • embers — Decayingembers used to be the leader of ShadowClan, and his fame can be described like a dying ember. Similarly, he is volatile, similar to a burning flame.
  • Decayingembers has ASPD (Antisocial Personality Disorder) and due to that doesn't have a strong sense of empathy towards any cats. He's learned cognitive empathy over the moons being in the Clans, however
  • He has hydrangeas in the crook of his tail, courtesy of his sibling
  • His tail has permanently been broken, or, moreso as long as he can remember it, and due to it he has a skewed sense of balance when he's younger


Considers them one of his only friends, impressed by their guts. Goes to them for advice if desparately needed, or to confirm his pre-existing beliefs. He finds her smart and witty.

The two of them grew up together with no one else to rely on but each other, and they have formed a bond over that that's just strengthened with time. Decayingembers doesn't like to admit the times that he's had to go to Serpent-- in the past, and he wants to be sure that she feels safe and comfortable in Shadowclan now. It was the least he could do.


Reserved for Callisto's character


Truthfully finds Gatorbite annoying but simultaneously charming. He needs a hug, just not from Decayingembers. He finds the amount of questions that he asks slightly ridiculous but likes to entertain them.


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Nunc scelerisque viverra mauris in. In mollis nunc sed id semper risus in hendrerit gravida. Semper quis lectus nulla at volutpat. Arcu dui vivamus arcu felis bibendum ut tristique. Eget est lorem ipsum dolor sit amet consectetur adipiscing elit. Ipsum dolor sit amet consectetur adipiscing elit ut.


Nunc scelerisque viverra mauris in. In mollis nunc sed id semper risus in hendrerit gravida. Semper quis lectus nulla at volutpat. Arcu dui vivamus arcu felis bibendum ut tristique. Eget est lorem ipsum dolor sit amet consectetur adipiscing elit. Ipsum dolor sit amet consectetur adipiscing elit ut.

code by jiko