


6 years, 9 months ago


Stab the body and it heals, but injure the heart and the wound lasts a lifetime.


Leopold was a bard of the [college] masking as a decorated street performer in an attempt to escape the consequences of his past. Leopold had spent a good few years on the run from his family and the bounty on his head, making a living as a traveling entertainer and picking up the occasional simple odd-job that wouldn't put him in too much danger until he was ultimately cut down before he could escape the Death Kingdom territories. He was revived by Meridia the Night Mother and currently works under her. 


Valuing looks above almost all else and constantly seeking respect, Leopold is an incredibly vain and egotistical individual. His snobbish attitude and distrusting nature make him incredibly difficult to get close to, let alone get along with.

Leo values himself above all others and will do whatever it takes to gain the respect of those around him, specifically those he deems below him. Leo is not above lying to get what he wants, believing the ends justify the means when it comes to gaining any sort of power, even in after-death. 

Design notes

Leopold is a purple-skinned tiefling who takes great pride in his appearance despite his unfortunate circumstances. He has incredibly long lavender-toned hair that is almost always braided back out of his face. 

Leo currently has the eyes of the dead (originally red), claw-like nails, a beauty mark on his right cheek, and a wide assortment of varying earrings and jewelry adorning his ears and horns. 


Leopold E. Vocevri  
Male (He/Him)
Tiefling (Fierna)
Around 5'10
It's complicated
Chaotic Neutral


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Leopold was born into a high-class tiefling family in the Death Kingdom to Xavier Cedrick Vocevri and Kalyis Vocevri- his lineage being that of noble blood. Leopold was the second born to Xavier and Kalyis; his eldest brother being Alaric Vocevri and his youngest brother being Ozias Vocevri. 

Being the middle child of a noble family, Leopold was spoiled, but from a distance. He did not interact much with other children besides his siblings and did not get much attention from his parents, making his childhood rather lonely. Despite his closed-off upbringing, Leo got along well with his brothers. A lack of concrete parental supervision- primary supervision being housemaids and designated caretakers- left the boys virtually free to do as they pleased so long as it was within the confines of the household. 

Leo greatly admired his older brother Alaric, who basically raised his two younger siblings. Alaric was even-tempered, fair, and treated his younger siblings with respect, something their parents did not do. Leopold's incredibly strong relationship with his older brother turned grief to blind fury when Alaric's untimely and sudden death was found to be Leopold's fault. Deeming it a cold-blooded murder and a selfish attempt to be next in line to rule, Leopold was sent to be put to death, only to escape his family's domain before he could be killed. 

Despite his exile from his family, Leopold is still destined to be the next head of the family. Ozias is unable to be deemed next in line for power until Leopold is dead. Refusing to allow Leo the chance to ascend to the family throne, his family was forced to take matters into their own hands. 

With a hefty bounty now on his head and the truth behind his brother's death weighing heavy on his conscious, Leopold actively refuses to trust most people he comes across- specifically tieflings- out of fear of their ultimate betrayal. He refuses to speak about his background, making various excuses ranging from wanting to see the world to not being accepted for being a bard, but his paranoia speaks volumes to anyone who may encounter him long enough to notice it.


  • Leopold refused to align himself with any deities. He still somewhat aggressively believes that the gods are cruel and unjust, allowing bad things to happen solely because they want them to. 
  • Despite his disdain towards the divine, he has caught the attention of Meridia the Night Mother and, upon being "revived," has been shunted into her dominion as some sort of divine servant.
  • Leopold's main instruments are the dulcimer and lyre, however he is also classically trained in piano and violin. 
  • Leopold is 8 years younger than his eldest brother and 3 years older than his youngest brother. 
  • Leopold was killed by hired bounty hunters when escape from the Death Kingdom was within his grasp. Killed by multiple crossbow bolts to the back and dumped in a ditch outside of a Death Kingdom town. 
  • He was resurrected only after his body began to decompose. Unknown to him, he is not in his original body.