sparky's Comments

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damn! sad i missed them

Im sorry >_<!! I plan on making more kidcore design so tomorrow though!

ahhh i can offer $15 + 2 fullbodies or chibis!! you can see examples here

i accept i love your art so much q_q!! could you do this character and this character? you can use the rest of their gallery for references! idm if theyre fullbodies or chibis, whichever is easiest for you!

you can send here whenever youre ready! ( )when i recieve i will transfer them :] take ur time with the art if the characters are okay, its no rush!

those characters are fine :D payment should be sent, i'll pm you sketches when i have them!!

I got it tysm! Take your time :D 

i apologize for such a wait, i've been busy prepping for vacation

i was wondering if you'd be okay with me cutting down to one fullbody instead? i had a family emergency come up and i'm still out of state and very stressed, if you'd like instead i could add on some more USD! again i apologize, i should've finished it before now but i've had a lot going on ; _ ;

It’s alright no worries! I’m okay with you just drawing Royce (first char linked) 

Idm the wait and take ur time! I’m in no rush and I understand emergencies ^_^