
2 years, 8 months ago




brief notes + vibes

- Risa, vengeance paladin

- tortured past, very emo, tries his best to do the right thing but is often burdened with guilt, grief, and a conflicting desire between revenge and wanting to let go

- once you’ve accomplished what you’ve set out to do, what then? after the final one falls, will this anger finally go away?

- religious imagery (abandoned churches, broken stained glass, light vs dark vibes)

- playing around with a few different weapon ideas: mace that emits light goes with the armor, black blade made of ink that is pulled from his arm goes with other outfits

longer notes:

Risabel “Risa” Lucas Clairmont.

Vengeance Seeker, Paladin, Worshipper

“I don’t talk about the thing that torments me. I’d rather not burden others with my curse.”

“I was a victim, but I will not allow others to be victimized.”

“I’ll stop the spirits that haunt me or die trying.”

Born to a small mountainous town near the northern Vordan border, where tenuous peace treaties did not stop the raiders from so-called “friendly” territorial disputes. Risa was orphaned before he could walk. Destined to be forgotten, “shining” hands instead reversed that fate, and he was taken in by a small sect of the Order. From a young age, The Light was carved into every fiber of his being. His Caretakers instilled into him devotion and duty, and Risa was diligent and desperate to prove himself. He would’ve done anything for his saviors. 

And he did. 

One day they took his books and shoved blades into his hands. Studies became brutal trainings and even harsher punishments. “For the glory of the Light.”

“Risabel, you will save us.”

He cut down darkness after darkness. But the shadows never truly went away, following him after every mission, the horrors continued to haunt him.

The horrors he committed for the glory of the Light. 

“Risabel, you are salvation.”

Could he really believe that? No, not when they had warped him so, he couldn’t be saved. He couldn’t be a savior. 

“For the glor-”

He cut down those words before they fell on his deaf ears. 

Light cannot exist without the Dark. 

CursedCity!Risa Intro Comic (other AU)