


2 years, 8 months ago



Name Prism
Pronouns He/Him
Age 24
Origin A shard embedded in a human body.
Height 5' 11
Build Lithe
Race Human
Role Relucant Scientist
Demeanor Resentful


Leave Me Alone...

Paolo was a scientist on Solhaven. He worked for the planet's leading research company based around Eden's brand. His work focused on harnessing the sword for energy generation purposes. His team was also responsible for the mining machine created hundreds of years prior, but was unaware that Eden;s own mechanics were part of the machine. When Eden was freed, large explosions occured that launched shards of Eden out and awry, catching Paolo in the crossfire.

The shard imbedded in his chest, and he largely thought himself dead until he woke up days later, week but alive. He crawled himself from the rubble of the lab and into the middle of the wastes where the brand sat. He found his way back to the city when he largely should have died of starvation, injury, and thirst, but he did not. He saught his friends and coworkers in trust, but once colleagues discovered what had happened to him they demanded he stay for testing so they could understand what happened to him.

Paolo remained, curious and terrified himself. His coworkers conducted multiple experiments on him, realizing he was able to regenerate, and no longer needed food nor water. He still felt the pain of experiencing all three, his injuries and starvation waring on him. He was not dead as he'd hoped, but subject to another form of hell in which he could not die. He decided he would not subject himself to the tests any longer, freeing himself from the restraints and fleeing the lab. Currently, he still resides on Solhaven until he can find passage off, using the name Prisim due to how light shimmers through the crystal in his chest.

Eden, sensing one of his shards had created new life, saught Paolo out in an attempt to learn about him. Paolo immediately punched Eden, resentful of the pain the shard had caused and angered by the lack of care Eden seemed to have when Paolo was being experimented on. He currently despises Eden, and any attempts Eden makes towards him to be helpful go ignored.


  • Paolo did take the name Prism from Eden. Not knowing Paolo's name, Eden called him such after their first meeting, and it stuck despite his anger towards Eden.
  • His hair turned from black to grey after the shard was imbedded, and similarly shimmers like Eden's.
  • Paolo does not have any magic. He is only able to regenerate involuntarily, and the crystal fuels him to the most basic degree. He still feels pain from injuries, starvation, and illness but does not die from them.