


2 years, 8 months ago


Name Ascartus

Alias 'The Hound'

Age 27

Gender Male

Pronouns He/Him

Species Yeti x Kirin Humanoid

Height 6'1"

Build Lean/Thick

D.O.B. ??/??/????

Occupation Hunter/Killer

Orientation N/A

Sin Wrath

Role "Reaper"

Ascartus by all means lived a pretty normal life up until the age of 16. He lived with his mom, a yeti-humanoid, and his dad, a kirin-humanoid. They lived in a small wooden house within a tiny village situated at the foot of some mountains with constant waterfalls flowing down them, which lead into rivers that snaked through and around the village.

Fate struck the village one day as an evil presense crept in. Ascartus was caught in the middle of it as he happened to be outside his house when the figure arrived. The being wreathed in shadows tossed something his direction. Perhaps not originally meant for him, but it latched to him all the same. It was a small intricately decorated metal ball with thick yellow ribbons wrapped around it. Upon hitting the ground the holes within the intricate designs opened, releasing a yellow-orange cloud of sparking dust.

Upon inhalation, Ascartus' mind went fuzzy leading up to him ultimately passing out for a few moments. After coming-to, his vision was blurry and tinged in red, his heart ablaze with rage. He stormed into his shack, muttering to himself and snatching a cleaver from the kitchen. His parents did not survive.

Covered in blood, it seems the contract was met somehow. Passing out again, he wakes up later in the day to finally realize what he had done. Filled with grief, anguish, and a need he can feel in his bones that he can't quite understand, he sets out to find the figure that hexed him before his village can discover what has become of his parents and persecute him.

After searching for a month, he finally finds the shadowy figure. Rather than coming to kill them, he drops to his knees and begs to be filled with the dust he had inhaled, permanently. The figure, taken aback, eventually concedes. It makes a deal with the child, granting him anger so long as he repays it in blood. Ascartus is once again filled with rage, passing out after being consumed by searing hot pain until his brain feels nothing but scrambled and his hands crave nothing but death. Cut to present day, he eventually ends up on an island where people are sent to fight to the near-death for scientific study. They are held there like prisoners, most trapped, but Ascartus is there willingly. He is used as a "Reaper", sent out to bring down anyone that is trying to 'ruin' the experiment, escape, or attack the workers. He is treated and worked like a dog, but he doesn't care. So long as he can fill his bloodlust, he will do anything that is asked of him.