Content Warning

User Content Warning

This user profile has been marked with a content warning:


I am a 22 year old adult. I draw and commission nsfw of my characters. If you are under 18, I highly recommend leaving now. I have my profile blocked to those 18 and under but I know people can and will get around that. If I find out you've weaseled around this block, I'll block you manually

Do ✔️

Offer on any of my characters outside of the active characters folder

Message me, comment, ping me if you need anything at all

Do not ✖️

Take heavy inspiration from my characters

Offer on my Mains folder (I won't block or anything, you'll just get ignored and comment deleted)

Sell/trade any of my characters to those on my blacklist

Don't steal, be homophobic, transphobic, racist, all that junk.


GrumpyFlamingo, Jasper, NebulaSystem, AstreausGaming, ValerianVassard and all the other various names this individual may go by. They change handles a ton. -  blatant harassment, stalking, and theft

Fvvking - just an incredibly rude person to work with. Not a fun expirience

Mizuki-Cho/Dyloteryx - ghosting me and refusing to update me whatsoever while still owing me and from what I know, many others money. Blatant scamming.

Character Content Warning

This character profile has been marked with a content warning:

Contains mentions of death, violence, torture and murder

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